Author's Note (a.k.a. sarcastic comments)

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A/N: This is an Avengers/ Percy Jackson crossover. This story is an original story; I didn't come up with the idea of a crossover, but I came up with the plot, etc. Also, there are curse words in this. I did warn you, so don't be a Stiff (haha get it), because there will most likely be the words "bullshit" and "bitch" in the story. Think of it as just some very colorful language. The only word I will bleep out is "f*ck".

I don't own Percy Jackson or the other PJO characters; Rick Riordan does.

Neither do I own the Avengers. Marvel created them.



Shattered Glass: A PJO/Avengers Crossover (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ