Chapter Two: Nightmares

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A/N: Sorry for updating so late. Thanks to everyone who commented to tell me to keep writing. This chapter was just very difficult to write. I had to make it emotional, but not too sappy. I also had a lot going on: finals in school, a couple end-of-year swim meets... Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter!



Fortunately, I don't have any demigod dreams tonight.

Unfortunately, I still have vivid and gruesome nightmares.

I'm watching my friends die again.

All I can think of is how I must save Leo; I must, I must. He has his back turned to a monster, and is already struggling against the three traitor cyclops he is fighting. I know he can't take on another. Then, out of nowhere, Kelli the empousa appears, advancing on Leo. It all happens in a blur; I'm screaming, "Leo, look out!" and then he turns around. He sees Kelli then there's a huge POW as one of the cyclops' clubs catches Leo in the spine; and I know he's gone, gone, never to crack a joke again. And there is warm, sticky stuff running down my face, and I know I'm crying, but I don't care. Leo, who built the Argo II, Leo, who had a tragic past but always was so humourous; Leo, my friend. Gone. Suddenly, I'm back in the midst of the battle, swinging Riptide like there's no tomorrow; and there isn't, not for Leo. I can barely see the monsters for the tears that fill my eyes; and then I hear another scream, a scream I recognize too well. I'm praying that it's not Piper, I hope with all my might, even though it's no use. She's already dead by the time I reach her, her eyes glazing over as the Minotaur snaps her neck like a twig. I don't even think about what I do next, running Riptide straight through the Minotaur's body, killing it for the third time in my short life. I search the mass of monsters, demigods, and weapons for a head of bright blonde hair, and it doesn't take long to find her. She's fighting like the devil, her blonde locks swinging and flying, and I'm thanking the gods that she's still alive. Her face is grimy and grief-stricken, but she is still beautiful. I position myself so that I can guard her against anything and everything; because if she died and it was my fault, I would shatter. Like glass.

And then everything begins to blur together, faster and faster. I'm sobbing as I see Jason go down, knives and arrows embedded in his chest. Frank's firewood disappears into flame, and so does Frank. Hazel watches, her large eyes flooding with tears, before she realizes that a spear has made its way through her. She looks at the spear head sticking out of her body in shock, then collapses on the ground, dead. All of a sudden, Grover appears in front of me, sprinting towards Juniper's tree. A monster is cackling with glee, igniting the roots of the tree as Juniper's screams echo throughout the forest. Grover yells and kicks the monster with all his might, whacking it with his club as well in the process. He has only temporarily injured the monster, but he turns around and puts out the fire. The monster is getting back up, raising its large, bloody knife, and I want to holler "GROVER, NO!" but it's too late. The monster's knife has cut Grover too deep, and he's already dying from blood loss. I hold his hand, sobbing, as the light leaves his eyes. He is smiling when he dies, and his face is peaceful. He could be sleeping. I gently lay both his hands on his stomach, and a fresh sob escapes me at the sight of it. I slowly walk away, in a trance, and Annabeth has grasped my hand. It is warm and comforting, and as we walk back into the heart of the war, I almost smile. But that is before I realize that there is a huge commotion forming a few feet from us. I rush into the crowd, Annabeth clinging to me. When I see what the chaos is about, the world seems to come to a standstill.

Gaea. She has fully risen. And Nico has confronted her. His pale face is soaked with tears; he has obviously discovered that his sister has died. I realize that he has gone through far too much grief during his fourteen years of life. He's not even remotely recognizable as the happy, hyper little nine year old boy that I met what seems like forever ago. He has lost everyone he loves.

Nico is glowering at Gaea with all the anger and power of an entire army. He is still as skinny as ever, but this aura of anger makes him seem even greater than all the gods combined. However, Gaea is even greater; even more powerful. With a jolt, I suddenly understand the prophecy:

"To storm or fire, the world must fall..."

Nico can raise the dead. Only temporarily, of course, but he can raise Leo and Jason long enough to finish their jobs...and then another, more terrible thing clicks in my head. Gaea will kill Nico, no matter what, if he succeeds in raising Leo and Jason. And I realize that Nico probably knows that. I also realize that Nico probably doesn't care; he has nothing to live for anymore. And now, all I want to do is stop him from doing this, because he deserves some happiness in his life. But as much as I don't want to admit it, I know that this is what he wants to do. This is what will make him happy: dying for everyone else's good. He will be happy in Elysium with his loved ones, because it is certain he will achieve Elysium after all the good he's done in his life. He is a great person who has had terrible things happen to him.

"Nico..." I manage to croak.

He glances at me, and the look in his eyes tells me that he is afraid. Why shouldn't he? He will be destroyed by Gaea, whether he succeeds in raising Leo and Jason or not. But I also know that he isn't one to back away, to cower in the face of fear. I want to comfort him; tell him it's okay...but it's not. Prophecies never follow a win-win situation. Annabeth has worked out the situation as well, and she squeezes my hand as she drenches my shoulder with tears.

Nico begins to gather power. He needs to do it quickly, otherwise Gaea will discover what he's doing. He closes his eyes and concentrates while Gaea stares at him. When he opens his eyes again, they are empty, black holes. He opens his mouth, and obsidian smoke floats out. Gaea is confused, and is starting to realize that she should be afraid. Nico kneels on the ground, and places both hands on the ground.

"αύξηση," he murmurs. The earth splits open, against Gaea's will. Gaea is shocked and startled, finally realizing what Nico is doing. In a split second, Nico is on the ground, gasping for breath. Gaea has both hands wrapped around his neck.

"Nico!" I yelp. I run forwards, only to be thrown back by the intense anger of Gaea. She senses the two arisen demigods behind her, and throws Nico down so that she can advance on them. Jason and Leo seem to know why they are here.

"You can't kill us, Gaea. We're already dead. There's nothing you can do." Jason says.

Gaea just laughs. With a swoop of her arm, she sinks into the earth, cackling as she disappears. Jason and Leo simply smile as they dive in after her.

The remaining half bloods hold their breaths. Annabeth is squeezing my hand tighter than she did when she was dangling in the mouth of Tartarus.

And then...


My ears are ringing as the dust clears, and I see the silvery remains of Gaea littering the ground. There is no sign of Jason or Leo.


He's crumpled at the base of a tree, blood gushing from his left ear. The impact of the blast that killed Gaea must have hit him full force. I let go of Annabeth's hand and run towards him, my heart pounding. He's completely still. He isn't dead, is he? No, he can't be.

I collapse next to him, using my hand to turn his face towards me. His eyes are still open. They are cold and lifeless. "Nico," I whisper. He's doesn't answer.

The truth smacks me in the face.

The son of Hades is dead.

The last child of Hades is dead.




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