when we first meet back up

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To see him walking down my street and not noticed me made me think, It have been years since the last time I have saw this boy. Thinking about all the fun things we us to do, all the good things we use to say. Maybe one day he will walk by and noticed that's it's me who once give him a change as kids!

One day- As I sit onto my pouch with my auntie Cee talking and having a good time. I see this boy who I once was in love with walk by, not knowing that he recognize me, not one bit. Then I finally here this voice that made me blush​ hard as hell.

Him: Hey Tonya (Hey yall)

Me: Heyy um

As I cant think of his name for nothing in the world! Then it hit me Lloyd, that's his name. As he walk over to my house i started to blush even harder.

Lloyd: Hey yall

My auntie and I: Hey

Auntie Cee: who you?

Him: Lloyd

Me: And old friend, you remember him from the Brick Yard.

Her: oh yeah that's him? The lil cubby one that called him self like you? The one that use to hang out with my son Trea?

Lloyd and I: yes!!

As the conversation continue, and we talking about the old time. I can see and his eyes that we could still make up from the lost time and start over. As night approached and the conversation end. He ask for my kik name. Back then we wasn't a fan to giving our number out, so kik was the answer to not having a phone r not having it turned on.

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