8 ~ Shockwave

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I flew high above the buildings, finding myself somewhat elated to feel the warm afternoon sun on my face. It was always difficult to find this much sun in overcast Star City; even in the time I'd lived here, as much as of a night owl as I was, there was something always so fascinating about a clear sky. I'd only traveled a short distance before landing in the alleyway behind Royal Memorial Hospital. I made sure my mask was on securely and that my cape was straight--genuine nervous fidgeting disguised as preparation--before making way to the hospital and through the front doors. 

I did my best to ignore the excited whispers and stares I was getting from visitors, and I offered by most dazzling smile for public display; it only provoked further whispers and a camera flash or two. I approached the reception desk and nervously placed my hands on the countertop, prompting a woman in her forties to lift her head. The second we made eye contact over the top of her computer monitor, she dropped her phone and gawked at me for a solid minute with eyes as wide as dinner plates. 

"Um, excuse me," I murmured politely. She blinked a few times before showing me the cheesiest grin I'd ever seen in my life--and I knew Nightwing personally.

"Black Monarch! Such an honor to see you!" She frantically tapped the woman beside her, who turned away from her computer long enough to give me a firm nod before getting back to her work.

"Yes, thank you, ma'am," I replied, impatiently drumming my fingers on the surface. "Would you mind telling me which room 'Roy Harper' is staying in? I'm here on behalf of Oliver Queen; I've been made aware that Mister Queen visits Mister Harper almost daily, but unfortunately, Mister Queen couldn't be here today. I've been asked to look in on Mister Harper." Luck must have been on my side, because the receptionist almost immediately pointed down a long hallway and offered the room number; in return, I was asked for a firm handshake and about twenty or so photos before I insisted that I needed to go. 

I stopped just outside of Roy's room, my hand hovering over the doorknob as a giant lump formed in my throat. I couldn't say I was nervous because that would have been an understatement; I was terrified. 

Deep breaths, Adrienne. You're so close. You can do this.

"I can do this..." I stared at the dull white door. I couldn't even look through the window.

Why are you hesitating? 

"Why am I hesitating?" 

It's because you're scared. Don't be. Just open the door.

I closed my eyes, grasping the door knob, and flung the door open, my cape fluttering behind me. I lingered in the doorway for a moment before finding the strength to lift my eyes, and I couldn't help marveling at how looked, lying in that hospital bed. 

He hadn't changed a bit. He looked exactly like he had in the photos, but now, he had rolled onto his side, his chin resting against his collarbone and snoring softly with every breath. 

The hesitation disappeared and I was at his side in an instant. My eyes focused on his face as I leaned in closer; I was aware of just how intently I was staring, but it was beyond my control. He might disappear at any moment. 

Roy... You're back.

A couple tears slipped down my cheeks, landing on his gaudy hospital gown. I sniffled and wiped away a few more before they had a chance to soak into my mask.

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