Sprouting Some Wings

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Due to some odd inspraration, i'll be updating more often. Freakedoutgirl, thank you for making any of this possible.


 After the whole fiasco with Batman and Robin, My foster Parents and the kids were sent to different jails all over Gotham. Strange isnt it? 

Then the media was buzzing when they found Bruce Wayne had gained another Foster Child. A girl by the name of Keira Louse. Coincedently, a new hero had arised in Gotham, A young Female heroin who was called the Mocking Bird. She also just happened to be Batmans new partner. Now the dynamic duo was the terrific trio or somthing like that. 

Isn't life great?

That night i was on patrol with Robin. The Bats didnt trust me alone yet, but he gave me an awesome suit. It was all black. The sleeves went about three quaters the down my arm. The symbols on my chest was a cooler version of Batmans symbol, but it was covered in a metalic green. with a MB on it. The pants were tight like leggings and i had stealth boots which had knives in them. and of course the famous utility belt was there, carring grenades, smoke bombs, several trackers, a very sharp boomarange, a grappling hook. and snacks because why not. the utility belt also had a belt buckle which detached to make a computer. Finally a domino mask without the white film on my eyes. instead i had emeraled green contacts which had a ton of nanotech in it.

We happened to be on the outskirts of Gotham where action wasn't that bad.So far we'd only had an attempted robbery.

"I'm bored." I stated.Robin stared at me confused.

"What am i supposed to do?" He asked.

"Entertain me,duh." I stated obviously.


"Tell me about yourself."

"You know everything about me, already." He stated without facing me.

"False, i only know your history. I don't know anything about your personality or your favorite type of food or-"

"Ok, ok i get it." he interupted. "You know i'm from a different country too. Its not that far from yours. I'm from Romania."

"Încă mai vorbesc limba? " (You still speak the language?)

" Da, dar nu o vorbesc foarte des."(Yes, but i don't speak it very often). He looked at me curiously. "How many Languages do you speak?" he asked.

"Um, i dont know. I speak Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Romanian, Spanish, Latin, and I'm learning Veitnamese." I counted them on my fingers "So, seven."

He nodded, like this didn't seem abnormal. "I only speak romanian and english." He paused for a moment. "What about you? tell me somthing about yourself."

I stifined. My past is a touchy subject. "uh, when i was younger i was obsessed with the Flying Graysons. I had a HUGE crush on the youngest one. the way he would flip from the bars with such ease. Its the whole reason that when i came to america i wanted to do gymnastics." I, of course knew that Robin was that little boy. It was kinda cute watching the blush appear on his cheeks.

"T-thats cool." he stuttered. i smirked. Then our coms went off.

"Return to the cave, we are done." Batman said.  and just like that we were off the roof and sailing into the night.


Word count : 543

Sorry its a little late. Love you guys!




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