Act 2: Part 6

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The fire ripped past them like it had a mind of its own. Jack found he was split from he group, Ray stood mortified next to him.

"GAVIN" Michael yelled out as the flames rose, just like a mother calling out to her baby in a fire. Jack could hear the desperation in his voice.

"Geoff!?" jack yelled.

"I guess you guys were right!" Geoff answers.

"No really!?" Ray  look around and whipped his forehead. The flames flicked up into the leaves of the trees, Jack found he was inexplicably scolding hot.

"C'mon!" he yelled as he grabbed Ray, he began to run through any opening in the flare.

"I saw this happen!" Ray shouted over the roaring crackle, "Something is going to happen to Gavin!"

"Where did you hear that!"! the clouds!" Jack saw Michael running through the flames to his left.

"Michael!" Ray yelled.

"Rey!" Karane's voice echoed to them.

"Karane!" Jack plunged into the heat, dragging Ray along with him. Michael and Karane stood there sweating from the heat.

"Where's Gavin!?" Michael yelled.

"I thought he was with you!" Ray looked around.

"Where's Geoff and Ryan!?"

" We thought they were with you!"

"Damn it!" Michael cursed, Jack could see beyond the rage boiling up in Michael to the panic overtaking him. Branches crashed to the ground behind them, causing them to all cover their heads and duck slightly.

"MICHAEL" Gavin's voice rang out.

"GAVIN" Michael yelled again. Jack pointed to an opening in the flames.

"There!" He ran through and everyone sprinted through and it closed behind them.

"Jack!" Geoff looked at them "I heard Gavin!"

"Us too!" Jack nodded, Michael was already running for another hole.

"Wait Michael!" Geoff plunged into the flames after him, Jack groaned but followed his friends. Every hole closed just as the new one opened up.

"Does this seem weird to you!?" He yelled to Ryan.

"Yah, Like we're being herded"

"Enough with the bestiality James!" Ray yelled.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY REAL NAME!" Ryan yelled back.

"Somethings not right!" Jack yelled again.

" No, I hadn't realized the fire was alive!" Ray yelled sarcastically.

"My only thinking is where is it leading us!?"

"No idea" Ray shrugged.

"We don't have a choice, Michael's not thinking straight!" Geoff yelled back to them.

"Straight is the only thing he's not!" Ray laughed.

"Not now, Ray!" Ryan shouted. The opening closed but another didn't open.

"Well now What!?" Ryan yelled, Michael stood starring at a black clump.

It rose slowly, White disheveled hair on top of its head. Ghost like white eyes starred at them, all its clothes were black, a white creeper face shown on his shirt. Its skin was grey and black ink flickered off of it like flames. Jack knew just from a glance.

They'd been tricked.

End of Act 2

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