Act 6 Part 6

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Sorry this one is going  to be super short. i apologies.



Jack watched as one by one his friends fell asleep. The tricksters did not. Their eyes watched him like predators watching prey. He felt cold sweat run down run down his neck. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea. 

He was tired too. His eyes closed and his head dipped. Jack's head would snap back up and those damned creatures giggled at him.

"tired are we?" Michael's early happy voice echoed in the darkness.

"No" Jack lied, the two giggled.

"Telling lies?" Ray's ice cold stare widened. Jack yawned and rested his head on his hand. 

"Night night" Was the last thing he heard from Michael. When he woke up Trickster Michael and Gavin were gone.

"Shit!" He was up and running in seconds. "GAVIN" no answer. Michael's  giggles echoed from every direction. "God damn it!" Jack spun around. How could he have fallen asleep he was supposed to be on guard. Now he'd gone and let Gavin die basically.

Jack turned and watched the scene unfold before him almost in slow motion. The creeper ran towards Michael, he grinned like a loon. Gavin's head turned to him as he ran to save Michael. Gavin pushed Michael out of the way and the explosion went off. Jack ducked slightly he heard Gavin scream in pain.

"NO!" He heard Michael, as he looked he saw the trickster's aura floated away like fire embers. Michael withered in his bonds, hands tied to him like a straight jacket. Jack was up quickly and cut Michael loose.

End of Act 6

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