Chapter Eleven

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We just stared at it.

It seemed to just stare back.

My phone was placed in the center of the island in my kitchen, Jay, Meredith and I all sitting around it. It was definitely mine. We'd already gone through it and discovered the countless texts and tweets about my 'big move' to Paris.

I heaved a sigh. Sure, it was beyond frustrating to have another huge piece of evidence and still be confused, but it was worse to know for sure no one in my family had even noticed my disappearance. Aside from an annoyed text from my father an hour before, there was nothing. Plus, the text was simply to inform me that I'd missed Sunday lunch.

"Ok..." Jay began slowly, "the phone was clearly dropped or thrown somewhere that Rory Johnson works. Suspicious, yes, but it wasn't even in the staff parking lot. Which doesn't make sense. Did your ex, Ryan, know that was your family's favorite restaurant?"

"Yes," I groaned, "but why would he put it there? That doesn't make any sense."

Meredith, who was in her typical zoned-out state, laughed slightly. "Crazy people hardly ever make sense, Kelly."

I ignored her and exhaled loudly. "I just don't understand... I just need to find out more about him, I haven't seen him in awhile.. Why now? Why this? I just don't understand!" I cried in irritation. I picked up and fork and threw it at the wall.

"Stop throwing a hissy fit," Jay said, wincing slightly at the clatter the utensil made. "You're giving me a headache."

"Oh a headache? Really, I have no idea the pain you're in right now, my most humble apologies," I said dryly.

"It's not my fucking fault you're somewhere out there getting beaten senseless. Jesus Christ."

"Your sympathy is astonishing."

Jay glared at me. "I'm helping you aren't I? You should be thanking me, not complaining."

"I'm no closer to finding my killer than I was three days ago!"

"Well it's not easy trying to find someone who wants to kill you when everyone hates you!" Jay's voice rising.

"How dare you! Just because I've made some mistakes does not mean I deserve this!" the octave of my voice rose to match his.

"I didn't say you deserve it, but since you mention it, I'm really starting to think you do."

"Guys!" Meredith cried, slapping the counter. "Just stop! Please. This isn't helping at all."

Jay and I continued to scowl at each other from across the kitchen but shut up.

"Jeez... I thought you guys were starting to like each other! But this," she motioned between us, "is the same as it always been. Why the hell do you guys hate each other so much?"

"Her attitude." Jay said right as I was saying "His attitude."

I shot him another dirty look. He just glared back.

"Wow, way to clear that up guys. Basically, you both hate each other because you're exactly the same."

We both bristled. "We're nothing alike!" we both cried simultaneously. The second synchronized answer earned us a laugh from Meredith.

"Mhm. Sure ya'll aren't."

"I am not a heartless bitch," Jay muttered under his breath.

"At least I'm not a condescending prick." I shot back.

Meredith threw up her hands in defeat and marched over to kitchen door. She swiped Jay's keys from the small table beside it and held them up. "I've had enough of this. I have an idea so Kelly, come with me. Jay, just... Keep yourself busy here for a bit, okay?"

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