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Caden shoved his ear buds deep into his ears and tried desperately to drown out the sounds of the obnoxious kids that occupied the yellow school bus.

He’d decided that Arctic Monkey’s was too typical for him and scrolled through the list of songs on his mp3 and settled on a song with as much wailing as possible. Caden slumped further down the leather seat and pulled his beanie over his eyes with a groan as the childish screams outside of his musical world grew louder.

“Caden!” He tried to ignore it for he thought if you stayed silent for a moment you would be forget, yet Caden was horribly wrong as his name was repeated ten more times before he tugged out his earbuds.

“What could you possibly need at a moment like this?” He demanded.

Steve shrugged and shoved the earbuds into his pocket before Caden could manage to put them back in his ears. “I’m bored.”

“You interrupted ACDC because you were bored?”

“You hate ACDC..”

Caden rubbed his temples, “Exactly. What do you need?”

Steve rubbed his palms together and smiled, “First day back, what’s the plan?”

“Nothing.” Caden longed desperately for the music to pour into his ears and pound his skull.

“Nothing? Where is Caden Borders and what have you done with him?”

Caden ignored the pestering question and snatched his earbuds back, shoving them in his ears without another word.

“Hello? Hello? Idiot with the headphones?”

He pulled them out, a glare in his eyes. “What?!”

A redhead caught his gaze then dropped it sheepishly. “I was, uh wondering if this seat was taken?”

Cadden nodded his head and she plopped herself down, her baggy green sweater rubbing against his arm. He squirmed away and glared out the window for the rest of the ride, his earbuds back in with silence filling the air.

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