Chapter 6: Drunk

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If you are reading this story thank you :D I am happy, and I am also sad about Justin, his my idol and seeing him being put down like that hurts, but he also needs to make the right decisions, I don't agree with his decisions but I also don't agree with the medias bullshit so yeah...






December 31st

"Here wear this" my mom said handing me a black dress with pretty patterns on the back, I looked at it in awed "where did you get this?" I asked her "I bought it for you, it was when we went to Australia, I just saw it there and it look just beautiful" she said her eyes lighting up like a light bulb, "thank you, I'm going to put it on now" I said heading to my room and locking the door behind me, I took a shower taking my time, I didn't want to get out of here too early it was only six when I got on here, and our little party won't start till 8:00pm. I looked at myself in the full-length mirror trying to decide how to wear my hair, I left it to it's curls, leaving it to what it please, I put some make up to hide my imperfections and some red/Purple lipstick and wore this wedges with the dress, once I was done I stayed there sitting down on my bed not wanting to get out. I hear the music outside, hearing it was some kind of rap music, right there I wanted to kill the person who put that music.

I grabbed my iPod and the small set of speakers, hearing that loud music, made me already have a headache, I got to the kitchen unnoticed and grabbed a bottle of whine and headed outside the back porch having my own little party out there. I quickly put on some fall out boy, where did the party go. And started to sip on my glass filled with sweet wine. My phone started ringing inside my boobs since I was a girl and I had no pockets, I needed a place to put my handy dandy phone so that was my choice. "Happy New Years" I hear Ed say, a smile already on my face "Happy New Years to you too babe" I said "I miss you" he said all cheesy like. I her him slur the words just a bit. "Ed are you drunk?" I asked him "Uhmm maybe" he said laughing, "Claire will you marry me please?" He asked still laughing "Ed, I love you but your drunk" I said trying to avoid the question. "But you didn't say yes or no?" He said sounding like he was going to cry. "I'll marry you Ed but please don't drive home drunk okay?" I said knowing he won't remember the next day. "I promise Mrs. Sheeran" he said giggling, drunk Ed was the best thing you could ever encounter "Love you" I said hanging up the phone. I drank another glass of wine finally feeling it relaxing me. The next song started playing was Miss Missing You, this was my favorite song because of a few lyrics. I was now on my fourth cup of whine, knowing this year was just going to be something new.

"What are you doing here alone" I hear him say behind me, my thoughts were already clouded, "Spending some time alone by myself." I said taking another sip, "it's almost 11:00pm, why don't you come inside with your family" he said sitting next to me "cause I don't wanna I just want to be alone" I said putting the next song. "You know what Ed asked me?" I said smiling, I was saying things to this boy that I wouldn't have told him if I were sober. "He asked me to marry him" I said giggling I saw that the bottle was empty "Shit, I finish it" I said getting up I started to look around for more, I was sober enough to know I needed to go to the kitchen and get a beer, I quickly put on my acting skills, heading inside and saying hi to my mom talking to my dad, they didn't mind that I drink just that I didn't go over board, I quickly spotted the twelve pack, taking three in my hands. And walking outside with out being notice. "What were you saying" I asked him sitting down again and opening the bottles. "You said Ed asked you to marry him" he said taking a swing at the bottle he had in his hand. "What did you say?" He asked, I looked at his face and started laughing "I said yes you silly, I really, really, really love him" I said taking another sip. The sour taste in my mouth taking over. "Did I tell you I hate beer?" I said looking at the bottle, "why are you drinking it then?" "Cause I'm out of wine" I said stating the obvious "you drank the whole thing" he said "yeah" I giggling again god I must look so stupid. "Selena talked to me" he said looking down at the ground, and you know when you drink you blur out the truth without even thinking. "And I care because" I said rudely, I knew it came out bad, but I didn't care, I didn't care about him or his love life. "Sorry, Uhm, still tipsy" I said pointing at myself he frowned. "Okay what did she say?" I asked, pretending that I cared. "She wants to be friends and she's coming on Friday" he said "giving her a second chance I see" I said taking another sip, I realized that I drank to much so I just left the rest of the beer there. We stayed quite, "lets do cartwheels" I said getting up pulling him to the grass area, "but your wearing a dress" he said looking at me "And I don't give a shit, come on are you a pussy or what?" I said raising my eyebrow "fine" he said I slipped off my heels as he took off his shoes. "Okay, one two three" I said and I turned and fell on my butt, laughing so hard he fell next to me laughing, "I like drunk you" he sad looking at me, "I like the old you" I said laughing "your back Bieber" I said calming down, "and don't get used to me being drunk, I don't like getting drunk and I generally hate drinking, it just a new year coming" I said looking into his eyes.

Justin POV

I looked at my watch, it was almost going to be midnight and we need to be inside to count down with our family, I quickly get up helping Claire get up as well. "Justin, why is the floor spinning?" she said looking at the ground, I see her falling to the ground and laughing, "maybe cause you drank too much" I said picking her up "thanks" she said stabilizing herself "what if she asks you too go back with her?" She asks out of nowhere. "Would you take her back" I looked at her seeing looking up at me. "I don't know" I said we got inside the house and she walked and talked like she didn't drink a thing, we turned on the plasma tv and counted down to the new year, I see her jumping showing her intoxicated side, laughing and cheering for the new year, we all hugged, but we stayed a little longer hugging, I looked at her warm brown eyes seeing she was one of those friends that I could call real. After the party I carried her to her bedroom, she started to mumble things that I couldn't understand, laughing to herself, "aren't I heavy?" She asked "no, your not that heavy" I said smiling. "Justin, thank you"
She said laughing "for what?" I asked her, I opened her bedroom door. "I don't know just thank you" she said her eyes slowing closing. "Goodnight" I said tucking her in and closing the door heading to my bedroom to get some sleep myself.

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