Love in the beginning

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Love its a strong word isnt it. to some its the most beautiful thing that are hearts could desire, and to others its over rated, its like Love big whoop. But one thing i have leared is once you get to feel love it hits you so hard, you get this feeling that your on top of the world, that you can do anything. when you find that person that makes you feel this way you wanna keep them there and make sure they will never leave so you know this is true, real and pure.

But one thing i have also leared is actions speak louder than words. So i dont want to be naive and believe in somthing that isnt there. To love and to not be loved back, thats somthing isnt it. But if you have a case like this just remeber that you deserve better and once you forget and drop that, someone will come in an give you a fairy tale of your dream. Just keep your head up you will get there.Love never dies its strong and pure.


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