After PAX South

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This past week has been so surreal. I got to spend the whole weekend with my best friend. I got to meet my heroes, write and perform a song parody about one of them, start a parody about another, hug practically everyone I met, take pictures, vlog in San Antonio, go to PAX South, meet some of the Enforcers at PAX and see their side of the convention, meet my best friends and start a group of friends who call ourselves the Cringy Crew, dabbing and looking for Ethan and just having so much fun the whole time! But Wednesday February 1st, 2017, I lost my best friend to depression. Isabella was my best friend for 4 years. And it's scary to think that she is gone now. But I know it will be okay. I've lost people I have loved before. Though this is a different situation, I lost a teacher in January to cancer and I've lost four relatives to illness, one of them had cerebral palsy. It's been a tough 12 hours or so. I miss her. And it's scary. But it will be over. Life will go on. I will graduate from high school in June. I'll probably delete Undertale. I honestly don't want to play it without her. We had good times together. Because it meant the world to her, I went to PAX South with her and we had the greatest time. I'm glad I was able to go. My family has joked about checking Gar out, proving why we can't have nice things. Dan, Ethan, Brian and G were kind enough to help me in my crusade to make my classmates cringe by dabbing, which Ethan, Brian and G kindly did with me and my best friend Isabella. Cas, Miranda, Ace, Mary, Ciara, Haylea, Gaby and Jade are the Cringy Crew, even though we can't talk to Mary right now, but MARY IF YOU SEE THIS I LOVE YOU MY FRIEND! Dan and Gar were extremely kind, so we're Wade (aka Sir Wade the Kind), Molly (Mollu!) and Bob (who scolded the Internet on Wade's behalf. Such a kind friend.) So to all those that met us at PAX South, you met my best friend and I on our last trip together. You saw the both of us on a euphoric high, our dreams almost completely realized. This week has been surreal in the best and worst ways. I want to thank you all for reading this. There will be more of this, honestly I like to write down what I think sometimes. Thank you all. I love each and every one of you. I love all of you, and I mean it. Until next time, I love you so much and I'll catch you guys later. Bye 👋

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