Chapter 1: My Life

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My name is Katherine... I am 16 and I must confess I really wish I had never been born... Every day of my life is worse than the previous one... Bullying, abusing, teasing... Only one person keeps me alive... My little sister... Her and only her... She is just 10... Her name is Selena... Me and her get abused by our own parents... Awful right? Well I guess I can't do something about it... If anyone else was in my place would run away or suicide or may even kill my parents... But I can't... If I run away... They will torture my sister... They have told me it! If I suicide Selene will stay alone... I am the only person making her smile... And kill them...? This is something I simply would never be able to do... Murder... Anyone that commits it is a beast! He doesn't have the right to be called human! I would never be able to do that... Whatever...

Katherine sighed and got lost in her thoughts. She has pink hair color. Not natural of course. She died her hair cause she hated her natural one. She hated everything on herself.

Why I hate myself? Is that even a question? Even my own parents hate me... I was always bullied for who I am... How can I like myself? My brown hair was awful so I died it pink... My eyes are a mix of grey and blue... I also wear glasses... I couldn't have uglier face! Why can't I be like Selena... Selena is blonde with eyes in the same color... She is so much prettier tho... Why can't I be like her? She even if she gets abuses from our parents has a great social life and many friends... Unlike me... Tho I can see in her eyes that she is not that happy... She is sad... Sad our parents are like that... And she is more sad when she sees me sad... "You mean the world to me!" Is what she says to me everyday... The only person caring about me... Making me a little bit happy... Keeping me alive... And show that she really loves me and needs me... Selena I really own you a lot...

Tears rolled down her face.

Oh no... Footsteps and these are not Selena's... Why...? It's that time of the day... The time of my everyday whipping... That's right... Whipping... I don't want to... No... My back already hurts from the yesterday whipping... But I made a deal with them... They won't whip or hurt Selena too bad... But as a punishment I must get 20 whippings everyday for as long as I live with them... Meaning my whole life since I don't think I will go to college with my poor grades and of course no one would ever marry me... When did I make that deal...? 1? 2 years ago? They were about to break Selena's arm cause she dared to slap mom... She was 8 and rebellious... She slapped her for me... Cause she saw mom hitting me... I didn't want Selena go through that tho... I have got my arm broken and I know the pain... No... I must never let Selena get that hurt... I can't break that deal no matter how much it hurts... I will get used to the whipping... Oh no... The door is opening... Why...? Why must I have this kind of family...? This kind of life...? Why...?

Her parents came into the room holding a whip with 9 tails and what was heard after was nothing but the girls' screams.

"It hurts... It hurts a lot..."

After those words also some laughs could be heard... Her parents were known for being extremely sadistic.

I remember Selena asking one day after some beating up... "If you never wanted us why you gave birth to us?" Was what she said... Their answer was what hurt... A lot... "Accidents happen". We are just accidents... Nothing more to them... "And why you kept us?!" She continued... "So we can have fun." Was the cold answer my mother gave... What they are doing now they think it is funny... They enjoy my pain... My screams... Every tear that rolls down my cheek. Why? Why to me? Why should I get born? I want to die... But Selena needs me... This is most important than what I need... Ohhhh my back... It hurts... I feel blood coming out... They are more rough than usually... They probably are angry with something... 13... 14... I must endure 20... I can do it... For Selena... 15… Usually the last one hurts more than all... And it never is on my back like the rest 19... It is either on my belly or my face or even to my low area.. They say they don't want me to have kids... Like anyone would want to have kids with me... Oh no... Time for the last one... Damn...


Tears rolled down her face as she screamed in pain. More than before.

Of course... The belly... Make sure I didn't do anything with someone without telling them and got pregnant... Whatever... This is my pathetic life... It's not worth living... It's a living hell... The worst in the family is my dad... My mom is a bit afraid of him actually... She gets abused by him as well... He loves beating up women... My mom has hugged me a couple of times when dad is not home... I sometimes think she may not be bad but scared... I don't know what to think of her to be honest... But my dad is simply awful... Rapist... Murderer... Yes... Even and murderer... He likes drinking... Beating up others and is extremely sadistic... I am embarrassed I am from this family... My father is a beast... I hate him... And know something even worse? Cause my dad is like that I get bullied and if they say something about him in my school then I pay for it... How may times he beaten me up with his belt for that? I stopped counting after the 56th time... What's the point anyway? My parents now left... Again my mom showed me and her caring self...  As she was leaving she looked at me with a sweet, caring look and gave me a soft smile... Maybe she doesn't hate me that much... Tho I don't know... I don't know anything else about her except that I am in pain and it's her and my father's fault.... I wish I... I wish I had another family... Except of course my sister... I never want to lose her... She is the only gift life ever gave me... Oh my look at the time. Night. I must go to sleep. I wish I had some food... But they won't feed me it's Tuesday... Only every Thursday and Saturday I get to eat... Sometimes and Sundays if I am lucky... At least Selena eats everyday... She is more free than me... I made sure of it... I better not describe what I must get through so she can be free... She didn't want to... She saw me getting hurt and was about to cry... But I made her accept... My stomach is killing me... 2 days and I will eat... I must stay strong... Goodnight...

             Writer is talking~😆😂

I want to say that there will be pictures of the characters later when at least 5 appear with the description of them!

Tho I think no one will read this😅

Also! This is just the story of the main character, Katherine! The main thing will be romance as you see and from the category!

Well... That's all! Have a nice day/night!😊💘

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