Chapter One

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Fixing his newly bought belt as he leaned across a chair to peer out of SVU windows, William Lewis spotted Olivia Benson ambling her way to the parking lot, a soft, satisfied expression on her face which made him happily smile. She had no idea he was watching her. She came to a slow halt, turned towards the windows and flashes a grin. Lewis chuckled like a psychopath. The bright sun shining through the dusty windows made Lewis sneeze. "Ah". He sighed as he paced back in forth in the waiting room. He then made one last glance towards the window. He asked his lawyer Bernice if he could use the men's room. Then a few minutes later he stepped into the bathroom. He was in a rather small but prestigious bathroom in the second door to the right of the interrogation room, across from the SVU staff lounge. Leaning onto the sink and into the mirror, he ran his fingers through his short black hair, he patted the sides of his cheeks, and with a slight grin he examined his features. He parted his lips and turned his head side-to-side checking his perfect jawline. After being in the bathroom for so long Bernice knocks on the door. Lewis steps back from the mirror and comes out a few minutes later. William Lewis walks in the interrogation room and sits down with his lawyer by his side. He fixes his eyes on Olivia and her dark brown hair that falls down past her shoulders. Lewis saw Bensons late coming partner Samuel beside her. Samuel has dirty blonde hair and a very nice face with grayish blue eyes. William Lewis was in trouble after he had shown women in Clybourne Park his privates. Rollins, the blonde detective saw him running and she chased him down. He was then brought in later that evening after Rollins caught up with him and made the arrest. Olivia leans over and firmly placed her hands on the table looking Lewis straight in those deep dark brown eyes. "So, Mr. Lewis what were you doing in Clybourne Park?". "I was doing what every other male was doing, playing games". "Why did you run from Rollins?". Olivia shoots a glance at Samuel and back at Lewis. "Detective Benson you're getting heated quick. Do you need a glass of water or something?". "Hey!". Samuel shouts, Benson looks to Bernice the lawyer that has strawberry red hair and emerald-green eyes with a pale freckled face. "Give us a minute?". "Sure. I'll be right outside the door". Bernice exits the room and watches what happens from the other side of the Looking-Glass to where she can see, but not hear. "Why did you have my sexy, sweet lawyer leave? You want me all to yourself? How thoughtful". Lewis looks deep into detective Bensons soft brown eyes. Bernice, on the other side of the glass meets the captain. The captain has a nicely shaved head. He also demands everything in SVU. After awhile Olivia's partner gets up from the table and stands by the door allowing Benson to ask questions by herself. The questions continue. "Where do you live?". "I live everywhere, I'm not nowhere". "I'm just going to cut to the chase, Lewis, you were in the same park two heinous rape crimes were committed. You also ran. Now tell me something Lewis--". Detective Benson slams images of the two rape crimes in front of Lewis. He stares at them carefully. "Did you do this to these two young ladies?". "I wish, but I don't have the time or patients Benson". he says as he chuckles. Benson stares sweetly at Lewis. "A woman at the park had pictures of you Lewis, showing your package. Do you know what this means Lewis?". "Yes it means those girls were prostitutes! Or maybe they were escorts". "No, it means you've been caught". Lewis leans further over the table and says in a soft voice in Bensons ear. "Detective, a woman like you would love for someone to do this to you, you are so lonely Liv, huh?". Then he leans back and sits up straight. "You think these girls wanted this?". "They were asking for it!". Then the Captain walks in with a disappointing look upon his face. "His lawyer wants to talk to him". Benson grabbed the file of photos off the table she was previously sitting at and exits the room with Samuel and the captain. Over to the left of the window the other detectives looks through the glass to take notes on suspects. Olivia saw that the switch was off. It needed to be off anyways so Lewis and Bernice can't be heard. It's called privately speaking. "You know once their lawyer is here, you can't question them Liv. You know that!". "I think I need a shower after that questioning"."Yeah, he is something creepy". Samuel added. The Captain then walks in the opposite direction away from the group. Samuel has been quiet since him and the captain had an argument over this urgent sergeant spot. Samuel headed towards the bulletin board and shakes his head in disbelief and surprisingly takes down the picture of Lewis as a suspect. Olivia stares at the bulletin board and the captain walks by. "Live, it's time for you to go home now; we have court in the morning with Barba". "Let's just hope Barba has enough evidence". "I'm sure we'll get this guy we have photos and we have more than one witness not including detective Rollins". Liv gives one last glance at the board, grabbed her jacket and keys and finally leaves the office.

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