Chapter Two

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"All rise...this court is now in session. The honorable judge David presiding.". Mr. Barba rises and introduces himself. "May it please the court and ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my name is Rafael Barba, counsel for Lisa Carter...". The defendant's attorney generally gave his opening statement immediately after. "Mr. Barba call forth your first witness". "Yes, your honor". Barba calls forth his first witness Lisa. "Lisa, please take the stand." Lisa rises from the crowd and does what Barba had told her to do. "Please state your name to the court." Barba asked. "I'm Lisa Carter". "Ms. Carter, please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?". Stated Mr. Barba as he turned towards the jury box. "I swear". "May the trial begin then?". The judge added. "Lisa Carter, I am going to be asking you questions prier to what had happened that day in Clybourne Park. I want you to answer them with honesty and I want to remind you that you are under oath". Barba steps into the center of the court and paces back in forth. "Lisa?". "Yes?" "Can you tell the jury what you were doing in Clybourne Park?". "I was with my friend Danni, we were standing by a fountain waiting for our friend Nico". "Then what happened?". Lisa then pointed to William Lewis sitting beside his counsel. "To the court reporter, please note that the witness has identified the defendant William Lewis". "That man, he pulled out his penis and showed it to us". "Then what?". "Danni and I screamed, then--". Lewis whispered something into his counsels ear. The defendants counselor stood up seconds later. "Objection, your honor. This was not in the police report". Barba then states. "Your honor, as we all know victims don't always come forth and give every single detail, it takes time. It's a process". "Overruled". "Alright, then what happened after you and Danni screamed?". "A older woman took pictures of him. That's when that man over there took off running". Olivia Benson sits down besides captain and Samuel. Liv whispers to her partner. "Sorry, I got stuck in traffic. I came as quick as I could. How is it going?". "Well from the looks of it. Apparently Lisa Carter did not report that she screamed. I have a feeling he won't get away with it though. Barba is going head to head with the defendants counselor". "I'm glad to hear that. I did not get much sleep after yesterdays interrogation. I already do not like this man". "Agreed". "Mr. Barba, your witness can now leave the stand". The judge said in a much bitter sound. Olivia turns towards the captain. "Can I have a word with you outside for a minute?". "Sure, ill be out in a moment. Let me speak with Barba first". Olivia gets up from her seat walks towards the doors and takes a deep breath, she then steps out of court room. Olivia's phone vibrates. She takes the phone out off her pocket then holds it to her ear. "Hello? No. I'm actually at the trial right now--. Have Fin go with Rollins. Okay. Thanks Carisi. I appreciate it. Bye". "What was that about Liv? Liv?". "Sorry captain, Carisi called and told me that Rollins was trying to go undercover at a sex trafficking ring. I told Carisi to tell Fin to go with her". "Oh! Why didn't they ask me first?". "I'm not sure captain". "Liv...why were you late?". "Do you remember the john doe baby I found in one of those sex trafficking ring? They are putting the baby in an orphanage. I've been to every single trial the baby was in". "Liv. This is your job, things like this happen. You'll see more of this and you know that". "You're right it's just been emotional. The baby has no father. His mother was killed. It's not fair for a baby to go through this". As Olivia's sentence trailed off Barba approaches them. "How'd it go?"asked the captain. "They dropped the charges against him. It's over. I was sure he was going to serve time at rivers". "You're kidding me?". "I'm afraid not Olivia". Benson shakes her head in disbelief. The captain then pats Liv on the shoulders. "Maybe next time Liv". All the detectives leaves the courthouse. As Olivia is walking down the stairs she looks ups and saw lewis smiling at her. She got in her car and headed back to SVU. She gets in the elevator. When the elevator stops. The doors open, she steps out with her head up. She notices that everyone was staring at her. She walks past everyone and sits at her desk, putting away Lewis's files. Rollins walk towards Benson's desk and apologized. Olivia gets up from her chair and walks up to the white board and wipes everything down. Olivia is so upset she runs her fingers through her hair in frustration. Captain approached Olivia in a humanly manner. "You need to go home". "I can't". It's not an option Olivia". "Fine". She drops the files in a desk drawer and locks them up. Olivia snatches up her coat and keys.

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