Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


If you're reading this I have already left for work, I didn't want to wake you up too early. I'll be home later tonight. Be safe.

~Aunt Delilah

I read the note quickly and set it back on the counter where I had found it. I turned on the coffee maker and watched the dark liquid drip slowly into the pot. Yawning, I looked at the clock on the microwave. 10:15.

I groaned, going back upstairs to change. Coffee would just have to wait.

I took out a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black t-shirt from my drawers, and pulled a hoodie off of a hanger in my closet, putting that on as well.

I walked into the bathroom across the hall and applied my usual minimal amount of makeup. While I was in there I brushed my teeth and combed through my hair.

I read the small sticky note that I had put on the mirror last night. Yeah, I'm one of those people.

"Jakob over @ 11" the note said in my flowing handwriting.

I nearly ran to the kitchen, glancing at the clock which now read 10:45. Did I really take that much time getting ready? It always felt like only a few minutes to me.

I stared at the coffee pot as the coffee ever so slowly dripped, making a small splash in the tiny amount of coffee already accumulating. No Keurig maker here, just the fine and dandy ol' coffee pot.

Not that I was complaining. It makes coffee.

I opened the front door so that Jakob could come in when he got here. Was I really that excited for him to come? Maybe it was just the fact that I didn't mind not being alone as long as I was only with him.

I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts. Plopping down on the couch, I took up all of the space that I could for the time being. I turned on the tv, channel-surfing since I couldn't associate the numbers with the channels yet. I found a show that looked semi-interesting and kept it on, sipping my too-hot coffee.

I jumped when I heard a knock at the door, even though I should've been expecting it. Even though the door was unlocked and I could've just told him to come in, I got off the couch, turning the tv off again, and opened the door for him.

He grinned when he saw me and I gave him a small smile back. He walked in and I closed the door behind him. I sat down on the couch and he took the seat next to me. Kind of awkward, but that's just me.

"Did you walk here?" I asked him curiously. I didn't see a car parked anywhere by the house.

"Yes I did, Lily Rose. I figured on a day like this, why not?"

"Is it really that nice outside? Even after all of the rain?"

"It usually is. Just wait until the beginning of summer, you'll wish there was rain then." He stood up and took my hand in his, catching me off guard. "Come with me," he said. It sounded like he was asking a question, but telling me I should.

I got up and allowed him to lead me to the front door. He reopened it and walked outside and down the porch steps, sitting on the very last step. He looked at the small bed of flowers my aunt had planted in the early summer.

He looked back at me saying, "Look at this flower, Lily." He smiled. It was a rose. "Before the rain came it was dying. All of the flowers except for this one died. This flower was lucky enough to get her rain so she could live, and that's why the rain is good."

I smiled up at him. "That was really cute," I laughed.

"I like being outside. It's peaceful." He closed his eyes. "My favorite place to be is by this creek that I found. No one else is ever there and it's quiet."

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