To the land of Lepercauns

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Marks Pov
As Mark gets on the plane he See's a boy his age looking at him and saving the seat next to him so he asks if he can sit their and he says sure so they start talking
Geo: hi you're Mark right I'm a fan
Mark: oh cool
Geo: so I heard you're moving to Ireland that cool I from their so we might be going to the same place.
Mark: Heh maybe
Geo: I could show you around if we are.
Mark: Oh that be cool I'm going to (Irish place)
Geo: kewl me to
Mark raises his hand for a high five but the boy hides his wrists
Geo: oh haha I don't um high five sorry
Mark senses something is wrong bit shrugs it off.
*Oh no its a wild time skip*
Mark: oh I didn't get your name
Geo: oh I'm sorry its Geo and here's my number
Mark takes the slip of paper
Geo: I've gotta get home to see my fam and other people haha sea ya.
Mark: cool bye
Mark walks into his new house and starts putting stuff up
Mark: haha luckily the house came fully furnished
Geos POV
As Mark raises his hand to give me a high five I wanted to but I didn't want him to see my arms which had cuts all over them
Geo: sorry I don't high five
Mark: its okay
As I got home I knew it was gonna be empty anyways so I went to my room and look at my wrists
Geo: shit why do I do this
NetGeo: because you know you're USELESS.
GEO: shut up why do you keep following me!
NetGeo: cuz I can...
Geo: I've gotta go!
Marks POV
Mark haha perfect now to call that guy. He calls Geos number Geo instantly picks up
Mark: h-hey is this Geo
Geo: yes Mark you called I'm surprised.
Mark: haha well wanna show me around?
Geo: sure let me change first I'll meet you at your house.
Mark: okay
Geos POV
Geo: omg he called chill you need to change
I put on a pair of black jeans, a MCR tee, my choker, my fav Black beanie, and my combat boots. I arrive at Marks house pretty quickly and he looks at funny.
Marks POV
Geo get their quickly but he's dressed in all black and I can see his wrist it doesn't look good
Mark: is that why you his your wrist on the plane
Geo: um yes?
Mark: but why it looks so painful
Geo: but I didn't do this you see im an orphan and at the orphanage they found out I was gay so each day they would hold me down and cut my wrist until I started doing it at my own.
Mark: wait your gay?
Geo: yea I hope that doesn't bother you
Mark: oh no it doesn't bother me at all I find that cool!
Geo: um why?
Mark: cuz I've never met a gay guy
Geo: you make it sound rare in L.A.
Mark: can we start the tour?
Geo: pfft sure.
*sniff sniff I smell a time skip*
Mark: pfft what did the old man say!?
Geo: he called me a bloody Irishman!
Mark: that's priceless!
Geo: is not even the weirdest thing to happen to meh.
Mark: your Irish accent is fucking adorable
Geo: huh what accent?
Mark: you have a cute Irish accent.

In the pieces of my mind (A Mark X Me Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now