His Human Female

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Dagger turned his focus from the patrol and eased his twelve-foot frame around to Desmond. Had he heard correctly? Humans lived within his ocean? 

"I spoke with Ayden. It is true, Lieutenant Commander Phe'lan harbors humans in his territory, and has for some time... years even," Desmond said with all seriousness. 

Humans anywhere in the ocean unannounced called for immediate imprisonment for the harbouring party at the Michigan's Correctional Facility servicing the Atlantic and the Pacific. Phe'lan, this being his second offense that week, would soon have a cell to call home. 

"The lieutenant has tried my patience on more than one occasion as of late." 

"Was the queen hurt?" Desmond asked, nodding to the water's surface. 

"She did not allow his touch. Our Her'lion was close by, an excellent choice for the queen's security." 

"What are your orders for the lieutenant?" 

"Are the humans in good health?" Dagger needed this handled swiftly. A situation in the Indian Ocean required his presence. A new species had been identified and, being the keeper of Clear Coral, it was his duty to oversee such matters. 

Desmond flexed his muscled torso and the ocean churned beneath him. "Yes, although I have not seen them for myself. Ayden confirmed a mature male and female. The male appears to have been injured; he uses a cane to walk." 

Dagger swam in an agitated state. "No one saw to heal him?" 

"I believe the lieutenant used this to keep them secluded from the others," Desmond said. 

Pressure built in his temples. "Perhaps..." Humans were fragile. "The female... how is her health?" 

He never understood the fascination with humans. As long as he lived, there has never been one worth his attention... until now. His future queen, the human female assigned to him as his mate. Nevertheless, who could these other humans be? 

"The female, I am told, is in good health." Desmond, the pillar of restraint and Dagger's best friend, held an old-world pride about himself. A pride Dagger came to rely on. 

Dagger sensed some of their young close by, close to the forbidden reefs further down the shoreline. The anglers cast off early on high-humid mornings. First, he would handle the humans, then his clan's wayward teens. "You trust Ayden?" Flexing his tail, he wheeled around, peering at the young swimming above them. 

Desmond slowed. "He has never failed me... yes, I trust his word." 

"Then so shall I. I will go the lieutenant. He knows protocol; humans are to be announced to the surrounding clans." Attention caught by surface movement, he swam closer, Desmond moving out at an angle, searching to the left.  

"What is it?" 

"Put extra patrols on the manmade reefs. Our young boys seem to think they are immune to its pull. We have lost enough children to it. I cannot allow any further causalities." 

"Do we dismantle it?" Desmond questioned. 

"No... I will demand your new queen to remove it. It will be her first show of accepting her new family." 

He allowed her an appropriate amount of time to mourn her fianc\u00e9, Malcolm. The time had come for her to come home. 

Desmond eased up next to his king. "I see our human male kept to his promise. The queen will be home soon?" 

Dagger (Brothers of Element Series Book I)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant