"I Can't Compete with a Shark"

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"SO LET ME get this straight. My T-Bone-whom you tried to kill today-is a shape shifter, a tiger shark. The same blue guy I've dreamt of all month." Drew placed a handful of dishes in the dishwasher, popped in the detergent capsule, and closed the door-anything to keep her hands busy. Jim and Jack sat flustered at her kitchen table, but she needed answers and they held all the cards. 

Frustrated, she spun around and hurled the dishtowel, beaning Jim in the head. 

"Dammit, Drew," he called, catching the second flying cotton towel. 

"Jim, you traded me like property." With a stare, she pulled Jack into her accusations. "To save your life-won't say what page out of history that felt like." 

"Drew, come on. Just listen for a minute," Jack started. 

"Now, I'm supposed to go save his people by living beneath the ocean, like a mermaid or a fish," she stuttered. 

Jack said, "I know this may sound-"  

"May... let's try does," she said unable to keep the hurt out of her tone. "This is bizarre, guys." Starting the dishwasher, she began to wipe the kitchen counter for the millionth time; it gave her a minute to catch her breath. The two most constant men in her world wanted her to believe in shape shifters. Her, a marine biologist, believing something can change form from animal to human. There wasn't enough Motrin in the world for what she felt coming on. Her spine tensed with each passing minute. 

She turned her attention to Jack, rounded the kitchen table, then wedged his knees apart with hers, easing into his hands when they encircled her waist and holding his warm stare. They weren't dating any longer, yet they shared a love she couldn't explain. "All this time, you knew T-Bone was a man. Those kisses along my spine... you were saying goodbye, weren't you?" 

"Hey, guys," Jim said, tapping the table. "I'm in the room." 

They both looked at Jim, then each other, then deeper at each other until deep wasn't deep enough. 

Their friendship was being choked to death for something out of a fairytale-a science lab. 

Jack's fingers flexed along her waist then he said, "Not just any man, Drew." At his urging, she eased onto his lap, Jack resting his hand on her knee. "Hell, he's the man my girlfriend... ex-girlfriend, dreams of nightly and talks to on the beach; the same man that held me hostage for a day." 

"Explain that to me again," she said, weaving fingers through the silky hair at the nape of his neck. "Explain why you made me feel like I allowed him to come between us when you were pulling away? And what you said about burying Malcolm..." 

"Bury the man, Drew. Let someone more deserving into your heart."  

She held that dark chocolate stare while biting her bottom lip, watching him fight for composure. He was more than upset; he was angry. 

"Drew," Jim said, his tone gentle as he stood and grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge. "Malcolm's gone. Don't be mad at Jack. Dagger didn't give him an option." He cracked the cap and took a long drink, then wiped his mouth on his forearm. "And I never told Jack that Dagger was coming back for you till last month." He rubbed the slick scar on his lips, eyeing his brother.  

Drew looked closer at Jim then got his attention. "Tilt your face up." She pointed to his scar. "That didn't come from moving furniture..." She fixed her glare on Jack. "You split Jim's lip, didn't you?" she said, resting a hand on his shoulder. "You two grown men got into a fight."  

"He bargained your life for mine," Jack said. 

"So why now... why let me go?" 

"The competition-" 

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