Chapter One:Message

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Yurios POV

I awoke with a jolt, eyes wide, and gasped for breath as I pushed warm sweaty blankets off of me.
What the hell was that?!
Hugging the cat cushion to my chest as I sat up, bringing my knees to my chest as well, I tried to process what had happened.

It had been a dream a very....... uuuh.... dream...
I was at that cafe in Barcelona.... waiting.
And then Otabek walked in, he was the only other person inside. There wasn't even anyone on the street. He had said something...
What had he said? There was no sound, just his lips moving. They were shiny.... and it was so good when he leaned in and-
I froze

He had leaned in... and kissed me! It had felt good?!
No leaned in and nothing! Nothing!
No! No! I wasn't like that obnoxious baka Nikiforov and his pig. No!

I furrowed my brow, letting my still sleep-sweaty hair fall in front my eyes.

They were my friends I guess, but I could never be like that with Ota- no Otabek- he'd never have me.

Dammit what am I thinking?! I don't want him to have me

I tossed the cushion and let out a loud "hmph!"  grabbing my phone off of the desk, I opened my Instagram.

Victor and Yuri at dinner,
Victor and Yuri sight-seeing,
Victor and Yuri
In this one they were hugging up on each other, gross.
There was nothing from Otabek
I pulled up his account. Nothing since the Final.... maybe I should check his facebook?
No!!! Now I was stalking him!
I dropped the phone on the bed and swept out, frowning, and went to shower. What was wrong with me!
My shower was fast and angry.
I got out, quickly dried myself and dressed, pulling clothes from the suitcase I had never unpacked. The usual hoodie, dark jeans, and that tiger shirt I had gotten in Hasetsu. I threw the last of my things into a garbage bag and dragged it and a suitcase, basically all of my belongings, by the front door.

"Morning grandfather."
I walked into the little kitchen. The plate of pirozhkis had grown. My grandfather was sitting back at the table, also dressed.

"There's no time for breakfast Yuri, you slept in too long, we're leaving now. The landlord is a friend of mine but that's no excuse to be late."
He stood, took his cap from a hook on the wall one walked out the front door. I followed and locked the door behind him.

We walked down the narrow staircase and into the street below, climbing into the tiny blue car.
To the sounds of a sputtering engine they drove  through the streets. I was wondering now more than ever about where grandfather had chosen. Not that I showed it, I wedged myself comfortably in the seat, feet on the dashboard, hood and hair over my eyes.

It was near the rink right? Would he have to walk or catch the train? Not that it mattered so long as he was alone. I liked staying with grandfather but really...

"Yuri feet off of my car we're here anyways"
grandfather cut my thoughts off, and I pulled my feet down and swung myself out of the car, shoving his hands in his pockets against the chilly air.
The building was a three story, the bottom floor a tiny cafe, the two above it had very small balconies with tiny windows on either side. The second floor windows were open with flowers blooming in flower boxes.
It was a little.... cute, but I liked it. Grandfather had done a good job finding this place.

"Come on Yuri."

"Ah, yes grandfather."

We walked into the shop, packed with small dimly lit tables. Against the far far was a long counter behind which were an arrangement of large expensive looking coffee machines and jars of beans in a row. There was a door behind this counter on the wall to my left that I assumed led to the upper floors. I assumed one and up to the counter, when a small old man with wispy balding hair and a gruffness to match grandfathers. His height almost exactly matched my own.

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