Its quiet

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I'm sad so here's some angst.
It's so quiet.. No pitter patters of small feet or pitched giggles of a young child.

It killed Jumin and his wife as he held her sobbing form, tears threatening to leak from his own eyes as he stared at the picture frame in his wife's hand of their darling son.

Before he--- he d-died...

The thought killed him as he swore he heard the giggle of his young son, killing him further.

He hasn't gone to work in days, letting the vice President temporarily take over, who of which understood his current situation.

The funeral was horrifying, everyone came and mourned with the parents as Jumin and his wife sat beside their deceased sons grave stone as countless flowers surrounded it along with his favourite toys and laminated copies of the family photos he drew.

This killed the father and mother.

The RFA came regularly to keep an eye on the couple and even Zen came and stayed with the couple, forgetting his hate towards the male as he spoke to them.

"It's sure different, but don't...don't let sadness take over your life, your son wouldn't want his parents sad.. I know I don't" he shook slightly before continuing "I'm not saying stop mourning but... Go and take a walk, leave the house and get away from the memories for a little bit, clear your mind even just a little" his words rang throughout the spacious living room as he stood and heald both hands for the two, one he loved and one he's accepting as a friend.

He knew the pain of loosing someone you loved and she was right before him.

They took his hand and walked out with him, taking a silent walk as Jumin swore he felt a tiny hand holding his own.

Maybe it would.. It would be less horrible.

I'm sorry I'm in mourning and I'm just ---I'm just not good right now

Jumin Han x Child male readerWhere stories live. Discover now