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brendon urie sent you a snap!

brendon: hello

rhy: (:

rhy mes is typing...

brendon: hows stuff with trick??

rhy: I talked to him

brendon: good good howd it go

rhy: not great

brendon: tell me exactly what happened

rhy: ugh mom

brendon: tell me son

rhy: ew

brendon: anyway...?

rhy: okay

rhy: so I finally got the courage to go speak to him and I was like hey trick idk why you avoiding me but I miss you whats up and he said you never listen to me and I was saying that if this was about something at the party I was drunk then he said but you /never/ listen to me and I was saying im 90% sure I do and I really miss him then jon came over and told Patrick he was an ass and he doesn't deserve me and pat did nothing but I slapped jon and started yelling at him and then trick started crying and ran away

brendon: jon sounds really mean

brendon: are you sure hes your friend

rhy: hes my only friend brendon

brendon: maybe youre mistaking friendship

brendon: what makes him your friend

rhy: hes always around

rhy: he tries to help me with stuff but often fails

rhy: keeps me company

rhy: hes trustworthy

rhy: and other reasons

brendon: but then these things don't make him your friend:

brendon: he messes up your friendships

brendon: hes always mad and threatens you

brendon: and he 'fails to help you'

rhy: we cant all be good at everything brendon!!

brendon: I know but he fucked up you and tricks friendship that's not okay friends don't get in the way

rhy: brendon maybe /you/ don't know friendship

rhy: what makes your best friend yoruo friend

brendon: I feel safe around them

brendon: and he feels safe around me

rhy mes is typing...

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