dudek kvin

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Brendon and I skype almost every day now. I love it. Sometimes we don't even talk when we're skyping, I'll be on the internet and he might be scrolling through his phone, but either way it's nice to just have that company. I've never had that with Jon. He's always asking me to go out and do stuff. Maybe I am mistaking friendship?

No. No way. What would Jon do if he knew I thought that? End me, probably. Rude but understandable. We're friends. Proper friends. Internet friends are different.

I hit Brendon's contact and it started ringing. When he answered he looked so tired.

"Hey, Ry..." He said slowly.

"Brendon." I said. "How long since you slept?"

"Too long." Was his reply as he shook his head. "Too long..."

Suddenly his eyes lit up. "Oh, Ry, my birthday!" He smiled, then winked. "Are you gonna send me summin?"

"Nah, I don't wanna buy you presents." I said sarcastically.

"Rude" was his reply.

"Of course I am." I said. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Mmm, I don't know." He said. "Maybe you don't want to."

"Oh, I will." I said, and gave him a smile.

"Thank you." He smiled. "It really means a lot to me."

"You're welcome, Brendon."

Suddenly a notification popped up on my skype. It was Patrick asking if I could skype. I said to Brendon "hey, would you mind if Trick joins?" Brendon nodded hyperactively, so I replied to Trick and told him I'd invite him into the call. He picked up after a couple rings waved at us.

"Hey Ryan, hey Brendon." He said.

"Patriiiick." Brendon said, smiling.

"Hey." Was my response.

Brendon started talking to Trick immediately, about his day, about himself, and then Brendon asked Trick about him, so Trick did the same. I just kind of sat there and watched it, until both of them repeating my name snapped me out of it.

"Ryan." Cooed Patrick. "You okay, man?"

I nodded. "I'm fine."

"You should sleep." Brendon said, I turned to I was looking at his live face on the screen.

"Brendon. Urie." I said, raising my eyebrows. "Are you, the one that nearly fell asleep on camera half an hour ago, telling me to sleep?"

"Thank god you don't know my middle name." Was all he said.

I jumped so I was sitting on my legs. "Tell me, child."

He shook his head. "No way, George."

I flipped him off, turning to Patrick. "What's your middle name?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you know?"

"I only know Jon's middle name." I looked at my hands. "It took me years."

Both of them looked down when I said that. "Hey, what's wrong?" I frowned. "Neither of you like Jon, do you?"

"It's not that-" Brendon started. Patrick finished it with "we just don't really know him."

"He's not here, and he always interrupts us. Appreciate it." Brendon said.

"Pat." I said. "You should know Jon, right?"

He shrugged. "Not really. We don't talk."

I sighed. "That's alright. I mean, he can't be friends with everyone."

Trick nodded. "Yeah."

"When's your birthday Patrick?" Brendon asked.

"Very soon." Patrick replied. "April. You?"

"Same!" Brendon grinned. "What day? I'm the twelfth."

"Twenty-seven." Pat said.

Brendon frowned. "Wait, am I older?"

I shook my head. "Trick's a little older, Bren. He's turning nineteen."

"Nineteen?" Brendon's brow furrowed. "Shouldn't you be out of school then?"

Patrick gave a lopsided grin. "No, I came to school a year late and then repeated one year."

"So you're still in the same year as us? Cool." Trick grinned. "Now my child and his fave are turning seventeen. It's going to be a big party."

"What party?" I said. "And Brendon's turning sixteen."

Brendon did a thumbs up. "Started a year early."

"We'll have a skype party with all of our friends. It will be fun."

I shrugged. "Okay. Whatever you say."

I heard the doorbell ring and my heart dropped. "I think that's him." I whispered, hanging my head. "I gotta go then."

Brendon smiled. "It's okay Ry. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Me too. See you at school?"

I nodded. "Bye guys." Then I hung up.


sorry i havnt updated in 3801371309854 years but heres something and thank for the reads!!!!

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