Chapter 6

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The next morning i woke up around 5am no one was awake yet....or so i thought i headed to the living room with Hoshi's blanket wrapped around me

I saw a figure sitting on the couch watching tv moving closer i saw it was S.coups oppa i smiled and said a soft hello he was startled at first but then said a hello as well i sat next to him

He smiled and said "why are you up so early?" I shrugged and said "i don't know actually i just woke up and couldn't sleep again after that so i decided to come sit here and now we are here talking"

He chuckled softly and nodded saying "ah okay well it seems you speak more than when you did when we first met" i smiled and nodded happy and said "yes oppa it's because i feel safe with you all and i know Jeonghan oppa vares for you all so i feel comfortable around everyone here"

He smiled and said "ah really then I'm happy" i smiled and said "you know oppa the fans are correct you really are like a dad" he laughed and said "how and if I'm the dad who would be the mom?" I smiled and said "well you are really caring and you have this dad feel to you and the mom in my case will be Jeonghan oppa since we were little he took care of me like a mom would take care of her child so he is the eomma"

He chuckled and said "well then I'll be your appa as well" i smiled happily and nodded at him we sat in silence and watch the rest of the show I'm happy here it feels like I'm in a big family my parents work abroad a lot so Jeonghan oppa took care of me like i said before like a mom and now coups oppa will be appa so appa and eomma

I smiled to myself soon everyone was up and getting ready for their schedules and I'm getting ready to go to the beauty school to meet the lady of yesterday i decided to wear a baby yellow sundress with white pumps and a white jacket i straightened my hair and let is loose i added light make-up

I then went out of the room to see all the boys waiting for their manager to come fetch them i smiled and greeted them all i went and sat on the couch and placed my phone on my lap

I felt a poke on my shoulder and saw Minghao i smiled at him and he did the same and said "you really do look like Jeoghan hyung but you know the girl version of him"

I laughed and said "thanks oppa" just then the front door opened and in came their manager i went and greeted him happily he smiled at me and greeted me i headed out but was stopped soon after and dragged back by Jun and Minghao i looked at them confused they handed my a mask and said "the fans don't know about you yet we don't want you to get hurt"

i smiled and took it thanking them i quickly put it on my face and then the boys and their manager head out first and i follow behind and get in the van between Hoshi and Jeonghan i laid my head on Jeonghan oppa's shoulder he took my phone and took photo's of us and every few were photobombed by Jun and Minghao and Hoshi i swear these boys are so weird

we got to the school and i got off and headed in my brother told me i just have to let them know once i'm done and someone will come to get me so i headed in and went to the receptionist and said i had a appointment with the head of the place she told me the way to follow as i walked i saw models doing shoots i smiled and watched they look so beautiful i still had my mask on as i walked through the halls i finally found the heads office i knocked and she told me to enter

i bowed and greeted her "Hello Ma'am" she smiled and said "ah hello you must be the young lady Woozi called about" i nodded she told me to sit down which i did she looked at me a bit then said "i'm sorry but you look really fimilliar can you maybe remove your mask?" i nodded and took it off when i did she was shocked i smiled and said "i'm Yoon Yun Hee i'm Seventeen's Jeonghan's little sister"

She smiled and said "wow you are really pretty" i smiled and thanked her she then became serious and then said "but i don't think roll of make-up artist fits you" i looked at her a bit confused and she smiled and said "why not become a model at pledis if you can sing and dance you will be possible also be taken as a trainee" i looked at her shocked but thought about it a bit i can see them everyday maybe it is a good idea

i smiled and said "but how would i be able to do that?" she smiled and said "i believe my brother is currently here he can do a quick audition if you want" i was a bit confused and she smiled and said "my brother is the CEO of pledis" it hit me quickly and i said oh she then called someone and next thing i know there was a knock on the door and the lady who is smiling happily the door opened and revealed the CEO of pledis

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