Chapter 2

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"HEY DOLLFACE COME ON WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!" I groan and took over as Calum bursts into my room.

"First off, stop calling me that, secondly, I'm not going anywhere," I snap at him, I'm really not in the mood to deal with his enthusiasm. I just want to lie here and sleep my life away.

"Come on you're going to have to get up soon." Cal sang and ripped the covers off me. I curled into myself and let him try and drag me off the bed. Eventually I fell to the ground with a groan and sighed getting up and stumbling to the shower.

"Yes! There you go!" Cal cheered behind me. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door.


I walk out of the shower and see Calum on the phone looking really aggravated. He sighed and hung up.

"What was that?" I question.

"Stupid work, I'm really sorry Ash but I have to go, see you later." And with that the door closed. I sighed and ran my hand down my face, well, I might as well get some lunch. I shove on my shoes and walk outside ignoring my cars and walking to my favourite coffee shop. I order a breakfast sandwich and walk outside. A kitten looks up at me with pleading eyes.

"Hey, I saw you yesterday, right?" I ask the cat, probably getting looks from the people around me. The kitten let out a small mewl and I reached down and scratched behind his ears chuckling as he purred.

"Want some?" I ask him pointing to my sandwich. He meows again and I tear off a piece of meat off my sandwich.

"Here you go kitty," I give him the meat. He meows once more and scurries away. I smile and continue with my walk.


Chapter written by: Julia c:

Kitten // MashtonWhere stories live. Discover now