Chapter 1: Story Time

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"Alright John, Michael, come on your going to miss out on the story tonight" Sparrow said.

Sparrow Swan is the adopted daughter of George and Mary Darling along with her elder brother, John, and her younger brother, Michael. Sparrow keeps her mothers original name.

The Darling's live in London, England, where Mr. Darling is a banker.

"Okay Sparrow what story do you have for us tonight" said John climbing into his bed.

"I hope it's a Peter Pan story" Michael says gleefully while jumping from bed to

"Of course silly I only tell Peter Pan stories lets see how about the time Peter took down the evil Captain Hook" Sparrow said spookily causing Michael to hide under the covers.

"Far away there is a place called Neverland....."


Neverland is a place where there are no grown ups and no rules.

It is home to Peter Pan. Peter Pan is boy who will never grow up.

He is said to be the hero, but really he is the villain.

Peter Pan is the leader of a gang if you call it, the lost boys.

The lost boys are Peter's followers and do everything he says.

At Pan's camp the lost boys are lounging around.

Peter arrives from a long day hunting to see the lost boys laying around and says "What is the meaning of this why are you all sitting around like lazy dogs."

"Pan, there's..there's something wrong with Neverland.

We all feel sick and lazy like we can't do anything about it" says Kyle, a lost boy.

Peter then flies to Skull Rock, when he arrives his shadow emerges.

"Ahh I thought I'd be seeing you soon" it said "what do you mean, what is happening to the lost boys what is happening to Neverland" at this point where Peter had been flying he suddenly dropped and was unable to to get back up.

"Just as I thought, Peter, Neverland is dying" "what do you mean it's dying, Neverland can't die" Peter said back a little uneasy.

"Ohh Peter, anything can die, but there is something you can do to safe it" the shadow said. "I do anything to save Neverland."

"Perfect, to save Neverland you need the last human with magic" Peter's shadow says "but how will I know who the last human with magic is" said Peter.

"That's easy because I already know, her name is Sparrow Swan" and with that the shadow left.

Most of you would think Peter would spend days looking for her, but no not Peter Pan.

Peter knew what to do he went straight to Misty and the rest of her mermaid group.

Mermaids know anything about anyone no matter what it is they know, they also tend to love Peter.

"Misty, I need your help" he said. "Why hello Peter, what do you need" she said back.

"Well you see, i'm looking for someone, a girl, Sparrow Swan to be exact" "alright Peter, Sparrow Swan it's is, Sparrow Swan is 16 years old, has two brothers John and Michael from her adoptive family and one real brother named Henry who lives in Storybrooke, and lives in a town called Bloomsberry in London, England with an adoptive family" Misty said.

Peter was about to leave when Misty said "But Peter you won't forget about me will you?" Peter just smirked and flew off.

Peter arrived back at camp and called to the lost boys as they gathered around he said"Boys....Boys Neverland is dying" after he said this whispers ran through the boys.

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