Chapter 2: Escaping Pan's Camp

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Sparrow walked around thinking of how she get out of this place.

She looked over and she saw Kyle and Chase sitting by fire talking about some Indian princess.

Sparrow was just about to go back into the tent when she stepped on something it made a -CLINK-sound.

Sparrow carefully bent down without either of the boys noticing, and she picked up the object it was a sword.

Little did Peter know that Sparrow was raised around two boys all of her life.

And that those two boys love to play Pirates, so Sparrow learned how to handle sword and pretty well my I just add.

Sparrow snuck around the backside of the boys using the handle of the sword to knock them unconscious.

Sparrow then dragged the boys to a nearby tree and tied them up as the boys started to wake.

At first they struggled but then they stopped to see Sparrow was standing over them.

Kyle then said "what.... How did did you do this" "ahh well you see you shouldn't have gone with what Pan's first thoughts of me. Pan's first wrong move was underestimating me. I've lived with John and Michael for long time and they are fascinated with Pirates. You would think I'd be stupid not to pick up a few things about handling a sword" Sparrow said.

"Once Pan finds out about this, he's not going to like it" Chase said "once Pan finds out about this I will be long gone" Sparrow said grabbing a few things from the tent that consisted of: cloth, mint leaves, and a sword.

"Are you stupid, did you forget Pan has eyes and ears all over Neverland trust me he'll know about it before you take the least 10 steps away from this camp" Kyle said.

"Well tell him I said goodbye" Sparrow said and left to walk out of the camp.

Sparrow was going to leave the camp, but she wanted to see how Pan would react which probably wasn't the best idea.

About thirty minuets after she supposedly left Pan arrived with the boys and saw Kyle and Chase tied up.

"Hahaha what a sight to see to losers tied up together....wait where's Sparrow!" He yelled searching around running into the tent.

"Ahh well Pan ya see she's pretty darn smart" Kyle said scratching his head after one of the lost boys cut them apart.

"Are you saying she did this! Wow! Now that's my kind of girl" Pan said chuckling turning around to the boys.

"But Pan aren't you going to go after her I mean Neverland is pretty big and she could be miles away" Cubby said.

"Ahh Cubby, Boys, what do they say about Peter Pan?" "He never fails" "exactly which means I'll find her later lets eat right now" Pan said as he and the lost boys went to cook the new catch.

Sparrow stood up and walked away 'Pan thinks I'm easy to get back' she thought well not this girl.

So Sparrow took off walking through Neverland which was quiet and calm until Sparrow heard the sound of the pan flute which could only mean one thing.....PAN.

Sparrow looked around then hid behind a tree until she heard Pan.

"Are you sure she's here Pan" Sparrow heard someone ask.

To which Pan replied "Randy, of course she's here Misty told me one of her friends, Aqua, said she saw Sparrow heading south towards Hook. You head back to camp I'll be there in a second" Peter said as Randy flew off.

"Sparrow oh Sparrow come out behind that tree you can't hide forever" Pa said his voice taunting as Sparrow stepped out from behind the tree.

"Sparrow I have to say I'm pretty impressed.

I mean you, a girl, took down two of my lost boys.

But that doesn't mean I'm not upset and that I won't punish you, but I'm willing to let this slide on one condition I want you to show me and the lost boys how you fight, shoot, and attack" Peter said as he stalked towards Sparrow slowly.

"How did.... How did you find me" Sparrow said looking to the ground a Pan came face to face with her.

"Sparrow, I told you I have eyes and ears all over Neverland" Peter said then grabbing Sparrow's chin and tilting it up at him "Did you forget? Nobody leaves this island without my permission and you are mine and I don't think you're getting my permission anytime soon" Peter said grabbing Sparrow's hand in flying off.

Peter and Sparrow arrived back at Pan's camp and saw the lost boys having a competition: who would be the first one to lose by throwing knives at each others feet.

"Look at them they have so much fun" Peter said as he smiled at the boys.

"But don't they ever get hurt" Sparrow asked shocked that Peter didn't do anything about the boys playing with knives.

"Course' the do I've had a couple boys lose toes and fingers, but it's all part of the game" Peter said walking towards the boys "watch Sparrow you know where I am" he said and left.

A rather large lost boy named Jimmy came up to Sparrow and said "I really don't get how you tied those two up I mean your just a girl."

"Really just a girl a girl that can probably take you on in a sword fight" Sparrow spat back putting her hand on her hip.

By that time the rest of the lost boys had turned around to watch what was happening.

Sparrow pushed through the boys grabbing the sword she use earlier.

"Give me your best" she said and Jimmy did. Jimmy came at Sparrow first, but Sparrow dodged the sword by flipping backwards.

Then Sparrow rushed forward kicking off Jimmy's chest knocking him off guard giving her time to swipe at this legs making him fall down and straddled him with her sword at his neck.

Clapping was all that was heard Sparrow looked and saw Pan leaning up against a tree.

"Bravo Sparrow nice fighting skills" he said as he walked to her.

"Well boys" he said and the boys started cheering and yelling about how Sparrow was as good as Pan.

Next Pan had Kyle, his most trusted lost boy, give him an arrow Pan started to dip it into some liquid.

"What's that" Sparrow asked.

"Dreamshade" Pan replied "a deadly plant that causes slow agonising pain."

"What's it for" she asked.

"Motivation" Peter answered "motivation for what" "not to miss" Peter said handing the bow and Dreamshade arrow to Sparrow and said for Kyle to put the apple on his head and stand by a tree.

"Your fucking kidding Pan, I've never used this before and...." but before she finished Peter yelled "SHOOT" then the lost boys stared chanting "shoot..Sparrow..shoot..shoot..Sparrow..shoot..shoot..Sparrow..shoot."

Sparrow pulled back the arrow, but at the last second changed and shot it a Pan.

Pan swiftly caught the arrow before it hit him "told you was exhilarating" he said as the boys cheered and laughed.

"Alright everybody tell Sparrow goodnight" Peter said and brought Sparrow inside the tent.

He tucked her in, but before he left he said "if you need anything I'll be outside and so will the lost boys, oh and may your dreams be filled with many adventures" he then kissed her forehead and left the tent. Leaving her to think 'what the fuck was that.'

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