Verin Dunkon

21 5 1

Age:late 30's

Sexuality: pansexual

Relationship: starting a crush

Personality: he can be very stuborn. Headed,  and very headstrong about things he really loves. He never met his family but had been accepted into the heart kingdom as the royal guard for the families. He has multiple clones and versions of himself,  and always had the upper advantage in battle. All of his clones have different personalities, so he suffers from split personality disorder,  but that doesn't stop him from his work. He loves being with children and taking care of families,  and has been the father to some whom never had a father,  and shall be added soon.

Background:he doesn't remember anything from his ages if 3 to 10, and at this time he had been taken control by a evil inside the kingdom. He made the clones so he could have something,  or someone,  to help back. Him up when times are rough. He always tries to keep his head up,  no matter what happens.

Turn ons:dominance,  being a bit rough, having someone to give him orders, being obedient when he is in control.

Turn offs: rudeness,  crudeness,  anger, angry sex,  anything offense to him due to his mental state.

Etc: can use clones during sex

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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