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Hello! My name is Serena, and I am the cosplayer awkwardturtlecosplay on Instagram. I'm also one of the two leaders of ADI Cosplay, which I run with my partner in crime maximumaxis_cosplay on Instagram. I started cosplaying in May of 2015, and ever since then, I've become completely obsessed with it and I just keep on cosplaying more and more characters. So, in order to keep up with that, this is now a second update book of mine, but it's strictly cosplay-related. I won't post anything cosplay-related in The Book of Sese 2.0 any more, so if you want to follow me as a cosplayer, this is the book to add to your library!

In here, I will post WIPs (work in progresses), walkthroughs/tutorials, showcases, characters I want to cosplay, convention stories, convention plans, etc.

I've only been a cosplayer for about 1 1/2 years now, and 99% of people tell me that's hard to believe considering the advanced level I'm already at cosplay-wise XD I've been to six conventions so far, and I'll be going to three more this year. I'll definitely be going to many, MANY more conventions as years go by.

I'm currently working on making cosplay prints to sell in my Etsy shop AwkwardTurtleCosplay, so I'll keep you posted on that as well!

My Instagram is awkwardturtlecosplay, so if you want to follow me there for a majority of my pictures and updates, I would suggest you do so! :) ADI cosplay's Instagram is adi_cosplay.

Anyways, that's about it for the intro. Thanks for taking the time to read this! I appreciate it :)

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