Commission: Princess Luna Armor

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Sooooo my friend Amber has officially signed on to be the Princess Luna to my Princess Celestia! She was already going to cosplay Princess Luna, but then when she saw that I was doing Princess Celestia, we decided to coordinate our cosplays with one another so we match!

Amber was also the Nekozawa from the Ouran panel I was in for Ichibancon last year, by the way.

Anyways~ so since we need to match, Amber is commissioning me to make all of her Princess Luna armor! I'm really excited to make this set for her, and it's going to be a blast! I already started working on it last night, including sketching out each piece, and I can honestly say this is the most motivated I've been for a cosplay commission in a long time!

Anyways~ so since we need to match, Amber is commissioning me to make all of her Princess Luna armor! I'm really excited to make this set for her, and it's going to be a blast! I already started working on it last night, including sketching out ea...

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Here's my sketch for her armor set^^ I'll post pictures as I go, as well as a picture of the completed set! ^-^

We're getting the same style of wig from Arda wigs (but in different colors that suit our pony, of course), the same set of horns and ears, and I'm not sure what she's going to do for her wings just yet, but I don't think she wants to drop $148 on hers like I did with mine XDDDD

Look forward to progress updates for not just my Celestia cosplay, but Amber's Luna commission too!

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