I got tagged darn it

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Hello there today i was tagged by a mister zeFuchs it pains me

Fav band: Gorillaz or........ Pegboard nerds

Fav game series:  the tales series or Smt actually both are lies my fab game series is the strange men series E.G The Sandman or the boogie man

Gaming specialtys:
when i play an mmo im always the support or the tank

when i play shooters I'm always the bait (mainly in Cs:go)
and when i play any other games I am always the one going head on 

best subject in school: math and literature

number of siblings: 3, 6 if you count my best friends who i count as siblings

Fav food: PIZZZAAAAA!!!!! (yes I am partially Chica)

Fav movie: I guess... deadpool

Fav show: Dexter the serial killer not the lab rat

Real name: Jose Tomas Gasc

Fav sport: Baseball

Fav drink: Sprite

Best friend: I have 2 CodyAsaenz and then A girl named Fernanda

I tag 



and last but not least 

Harem x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now