First day at Mystic Grill

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I woke up with a jolt to my alarm clock, 06:00 am. I was all sweaty and hot. Did I just seriously had a sexual and intimate dream about a guy who I met yesterday, Klaus ? I hope he's as hot without shirt as in my dream.. GOOOSH, just STOP.!! But he is so H.. No I'm not gonna think about him, no, at least now.. I actually giggled to myself cuz of this fight. But it was time to get up, I did my morning routine - Shower, teeth, breakfast, clothes etc. I took some stuff and went out of my apartment. I locked my door and when I turned around and I almost got a heart attack, there was standing the guy who occupied my dream. He chuckled while I was panting, when my heart stopped racing he said:"Morning love" Me:" Morning creep" Klaus:"How was your sleep ?" I stopped in my tracks, Me:" What did you say ?" He looked kinda taken back: I just asked how was your sleep ?" Me: Oh, yeah, sorry, it was good, thanks. Yours ?" Kl:"It was entertaining" I raised an eyebrow and asked:" What do you mean ?" Kl: Well Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Stefan and Damon came over last night," I rolled my eyes, " and they were going on and on about how I should stay away from you and that they'll hurt me if I do anything to you and along the lines" Me:" So you decided to do the opposite and come see me...I guess now you have two options 1. You stay away from me, 2.You stay by me.. which one you choose ?" In a second I was pinned to wall, hes hands on each side of my head, trapping me, and asking me:" Which one you want me to choose ?" My heart was racing and he knew it, at first he thought that it was fear but then he realized it was something else, but he couldn't put a finger on it.. Me:" I want you to choose..." I was interrupted by my new boss Jake, he was young and handsome:" Here you are, come inside, I need to show you everything so I can leave." I hurried inside but not before I looked back and gave him my signature smile and wink, he actually smiled back.. Jake showed me everything around here, where everything stands and that we open at 9am, Matt and/or Jer shows up at 8:00 - 8:30am. But I will need to be here every morning at 7:00-7:30am and if I'm late, I'm fired, how nice...

I was mopping the floor and singing along to One Republic - Something I Need, when Jer and Matt came in, they scared me like crazy and I almost got another heart attack, Me:" what the hell is wrong with you people in this town ? If I get a heart attack till the end of this week you can blame only yourselves" They both laughed like it would be funny. They started to help me clean the place and make it ready for opening. At 9am we unlocked the door and by 9:15 half of the grill was full, I guess people are too lazy to make food themselves.. We decided that Matt takes the bar, one side of dinning room Jer and other me. I was going to new table to take orders and when I looked up I met most beautiful blue-green eyes of Klaus. I blushed, Damn it. I thought that I was over that. Klaus:" Hello love" In almost a whisper I replied:" hi." Klaus:" If I'm right we didn't finish our conversation," Me:" No, we didn't, later." Then I heard a cough which belonged to none other than Kol, of course. I looked around the table and there was sitting everyone - originals, the clan, Tyler and Salvatore bros. What the hell is going on ? I went back to my waitress mode:"Good morning and welcome to Mystic Grill, what would you like for breakfast ?" They all gave me their orders and of course Kol had to be smart ass and he told that he wants me for breakfast which got a growl out of Klaus. That made me chuckle. Me:"Would you like anything to drink ? Well of course apart from me, KOL" He chuckled at that and gave me a smirk. I took their orders and returned to bar and kitchen to give the receives. When I finished putting all plates and drinks on the table, of course Elena had to open her mouth:"Really Kiki ? Are you doing this to just rub it in our faces ? Are you doing this in spite of us ?" Ca:" Or just to get attention from us ?" Me:" 1.Its Kristin for you, get it thru your thick skull once in your life, 2. I'm doing what ?? " Bon:" Being friends with them.. going shopping with Rebekah and walking to work with Klaus, flirting with him and Kol." I gaped:" Are you spying on me ? What the hell is wrong with you. And last time I checked 1.Its non of your business with who I hang out and what I do, 2. I'm not the one who's sitting at one booth with them and chatting and eating like besties 3. I'm not flirting with Kol" She started to say something but I interrupted:" or Klaus for that matter." But of course my cheeks betrayed me and I blushed. And that bastard was smiling, Bastard. El:" They re not people who you want to hang out, its not in your best interests" Me:"Speaking the girl who is in love with two vampires, one of her bff is a vampire and other is witch and a friend who is a hybrid." And for the first time she didn't have response, she went silent. Surprise, surprise she knows how not to talk. Bon:" why do you have to be so mean and cruel ?" Me: Mean and cruel ?? I'm just telling the truth or I'm wrong about you being a witch ? huh ?" Bon:"No you re not." And Bonnie went silent too. Now I had last one to put down, the worst of them all, Caroline. Ca:" You disgust me, you disgust me more than any of them. You're worst than Klaus.You have no heart, you cant forgive your sister and cant apologize to us, that's all new low for you. And you go off being so cool and loving Jeremy" Jer stops at our table when he hears his name and Matt comes to see what is going on "tho when he needed you the most you weren't there. We knew that you are the only person who could stop him from smoking weed and being idiot like all those morons and tramps, but again you were in your fancy LA just partying and stuff..." She was about to continue but I stopped her. Ouch, that hurt. Me:" I have nothing to apologize for, not to any of you. If there is anyone then its Matt, Jeremy and Tyler.But after what you just said, you should be the one who apologizes. And yes, I know that I wasn't here when all the hell broke lose, but I talked to him on phone, you just didn't know that cuz I asked him not tell anyone, tho you don't care anyway." Ca:"Why should I apologize to any of them ?" Me:"Jeremy- you called him and a girl he used to love a tramp and for Tyler the same. But worst of all you called Mat's SISTER a tramp. You have no shame do you ?" She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Finally. Jeremy and Matt left with out a word and Tyler just got up and left. Me:" And you call me the cruel and mean one Bonnie" I turned on my heel and left them there, I brought them their check without looking at any of them, so they cant see the pain in my eyes and when they left I cleaned up and couldn't wait for this day to end.

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