No sex... Friends... Sex

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I went to Ca, Bon and El, they were still talking about what just happened, when they noticed that I'm there Elena brought me in to hug:" I'm so glad you're still alive, I thought that you're going to die.." I kinda hugged her back:" I'm still alive" Bon:"Are you okay ?" Me:"Ummm... I don't know, still processing this" Bekah came out of nowhere:" So it settled, you're coming to live with us" Me:" What ? why ?" Bekah:" How do you expect us to protect you ?" I looked around to see where Klaus is but he was nowhere in sight. I sighed. Me:" Do I even have a choice?" Bekah:"Nope" Matt:" I think I'm gonna give you a free day today" I hugged him and told:" thanks, its only 8:30am and I already feel like its been 24h" I told goodbyes and me and Bekah went to my apartment to get my stuff. When we gather all my stuff, which wasn't much, we got in her car and went to Mikaelson Mansion.

When we got there I didn't see anyone. Me:" Where is my room ?" Bekah:" You mean yours and Klaus." Me:" No, I want separate room" Bekah sighed but showed me room next to Klaus where I could put my stuff. I decided to take a long hot bath, I filled it with water and bubbles and got in. I guess I fell asleep cuz when I woke up water was warm and Klaus was sitting in bath with me, only he had all his clothes on and he smelled like Bourbon. Me:" Have you been drinking ?" Klaus slurring a little:"Just a little" I got mad:" Get out and let me get dressed" Kl:" Nope, you can do it with me here" It was getting kinda annoying so I took a towel, put it in water, wrapped it around me and got out of bath. I took dry towel and put it around me so Klaus doesn't see me and left the drenched towel on the floor. I didn't even get to make one step and Klaus pushed me on bed, he got on top of me. He started to kiss me everywhere and tried to take my towel off. Me:" Klaus stop... This isn't funny" I actually got really scared. Klaus:"I know you want this and even if you don't, I do." he kept harassing me and tears started to stream down my cheeks and I pleaded him to stop. He looked at me and saw pure fear in my eyes, he stopped what he was doing and all his drunkenness was gone, he tried to say something but nothing came out.. when I was about to talk he flew and in a second he was gone, again. I was just laying there in my towel and didn't leave "my" room for the rest of the day, I just put on some shorts, tank top and flats. At 6pm someone was knocking at my door, Me:" who is it?" I was actually hopping it wasn't Klaus. ??:Its me, Elijah" Me:"Come in" He came in and asked me if I wasn't hungry and want something to eat cuz I haven't ate all day. Me:"No, thanks you. But can you please do me a favor ?" Elijah:"And what would be that?" Me:"I'm gonna go to Grill, can you please keep it a secret and don't tell anyone ?" He hesitated but in the end he agreed. I called taxi and as silently as possible I got out of house and went to Mystic Grill.

I went in Grill, spotted Matt and went to him right away. Matt:" Hey Kiki, what are you doing here ? its your free day.." Me:" Well I got bored and decided to come here and help you out, you look crowded" Matt:"We could use some help" Me:"Then I will need a new shirt, please" Matt came back with new shirt, I went to get dressed and turned on my waitress mode. I spotted Bekah on my side of Dinning room, Shit! I guess I wasn't as quiet as I thought. Me:" Welcome to mystic grill, what would you like to eat ?" Bekah:" I would like for you to tell me when you leave instead of just leaving" Me:" I had to get out of there" Bekah looked at me worried:" Did something happen ?" Me:"Here are too many ears who can hear" Bekah:" then later." Me:" yeah, yeah whatever." She left and I started to walk around other tables, taking their orders, bringing them food etc. At one table I spotted Elena, for some reason at that moment I wanted to just go and hug her, that made me frown and she noticed me, so I fast turned around but of course not without bumping into someone. ??:"Hey watch it" I knew that voice, I looked up and there were both my best friends, Stacie and Lily,they both are vampires, seeing them actually made me tear up, why the hell am I so emotional these days? Me:" OMG, what are you doing here ?" Sta:"We came to see you, what else ?" I hugged them both and tried not to cry . I looked around and spotted a free booth and led them there. When they sat down, came 4 originals and they all looked kinda angry, that's probably cuz we had a deal that I tell them when Im leaving the house... Me:"I told Elijah" For a second they looked at him and when Klaus was about to say something Lily interrupted him:"Are these those originals ? ooooh..." Stacie:" which one is that soul-whatever ?" I looked down and blushed a little, Why am I blushing now ? Kol:" That would be him" pointing at Klaus " hes Klaus, but hello ladies, im Kol" They both blushed. Me:" seriously ? both of you ? cmooon hes a real pain in the arse, no joke" Li and Sta both laughed and said:" don't worry we can handle him" Me:" They're different from just vampires, you're lucky that you're not humans" Li:" Talking a girl who is human and in love not only in original vampire but hybrid and original hybrid and original werewolf-vampire hybrid too" Blush, there  is just no point arguing about this with myself anymore. Klaus looked at me with sad eyes and I could see how sorry he was.. It made my heart skip a beat, he heard that, hang hes head and smiled a little. Me:" asshole" Everyone a part from Klaus who chuckled:" What ?" Me:" Never mind" Bekah:" ah, our lovers first fight" Me and Klaus just glared at her. Me:" Okay I need to get back to other people, so do you want to order something ?" They all got up apart from Lily, Stacy and Bekah and went away. Before Klaus left he whispered in my ear:" I hate myself for what I did, I never meant to hurt you" Me:" We'll talk later" He kissed my hair and left. Sta, Lil, Bekah:" awww" Me:" shut up, what do you want to drink or eat ?"

Hi, my name is Kristin... Gilbert (TVD/Klaus Mikaelson ffic)Where stories live. Discover now