Chapter 1: The Candy Prince's Secret

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It had been a busy day for Prince Gumball of the Candy Kingdom. Since this morning, from the minute he woke up, he was piled with tons of preparation, planners and all sorts of bits of odd paper for the grand event happening this evening, it was the annual ball Gumball hosts every year inviting people from miles around to come enjoy the spectacular beauties of the Candy Kingdom. Gumball was always excited for this event, despite the stress of the decorations, the food, and all that glob, there was just one thing that had put him off every time. It was obviously the annoying, obnoxious, narrow-minded king of the vampires; Marshall Lee. It brought a frown to his face even thinking of the name. How he hated being teased by him countless times by this vampire boy yet somehow he still held an unrequited love for such a being. 'No, I'm not going to lose to this handsome, no beastly vampire, not this year why should I let him mess with me? I'm the Prince of the Candy Kingdom and a very proud prince too! I'm not letting one vampire ruin this party! Not on my watch!'  Gumballs inner conscience told himself.
"-rince gumball?"
"PRINCE GUMBALL?" Peppermint maid shouted,
"A-ah sorry, what is it peppermint maid?" Gumball replied snapping out of his daydream. Peppermint gave him a look of annoyance before saying,
"Your highness , if you haven't realised, we are in the middle of preparing your ball which is in a mere five hours and these poor lollipops have been standing here asking if you want the table cloth for the food light pink or a dark purple."
"Oh my, my goodness I am terribly sorry, I was daydreaming I beg your pardon now for the cloth, I would like to have light pink to give it a gentler tone and to compliment the ballroom floor along with the curtains. If you'd be so kind as to also remind the chef not to bring out too many scones as the majority of the guests preferred the jam donuts thank you ever so much." Gumball said to the lollipops who looked at him as if he were some sort of God he was smooth and calm in the way he spoke, he flashed his professional smile. The lollipops looked at him for a moment before snapping out of their own daydreams replying
"OH PLEASE DO NOT WORRY YOUR MAJESTY IT IS OK YOU CAN CONSIDER IT DONE PLEASE DO NOT BEG FOR OUR FORGIVENESS WE WERE FINE WAITING FOR YOU ANSWER WE WILL TELL THE CHEF IMMEDIATELY! YOU HAVE GREAT TASTE IN CLOTH YOUR MAJESTY STAY WELL THANK YOU!" They scurried off before Gumball could have the chance to say anything else. Gumball sighed and smiled a bit before exchanging glances with the red and white candy maid who was there chuckling a bit.
5 hours of hard work and preparations had all been put into effort as Gumball stood there looking very adorable in his royal suit, welcoming guests who just kept coming almost flooding in through the main doors being welcomed by servants who were handing out drinks. There were beaming smiles all around. Next to arrive was Fiona and Cake. Fiona wore a light blue dressing matching her eyes and a white necklace which also matched with her little bunny hat. Cake looked like her normal self despite the fact she had groomed her fur neatly instead of her usual fur which was scruffy from her adventures with Fiona. Fiona leaped into Gumballs arm for a hug.
"Yo dude, this party is awesome as always your party's are so well decorated so cool!"
Fiona said whilst letting go from the heart warming hug and straightening Gumballs outfit.
"Ah really I appreciate it I guess all those hours of decorating paid off haha!" Gumball chuckled slightly.
"Boy," Cake exclaimed "you work yourself too hard you should come with us sometimes we hang out at Marshalls and play video games and jam out it's epic!"
"Ah...ha no I'd rather sit here and do paper work instead of 'jamming out' with Marshall, so I politely refuse."
"Aw come on dude really?! Oh look Cake they've got some more jam donuts!"
Fiona said excitedly pointing at the large piles of donuts.
"Cool I'm in, let's go feast kid I'm starvin' " Cake replied running hyperactively towards the mountain of donuts.
"They'll never change..." I say muttering under my breath giggling slightly.
"Ahem." no
I hear someone clear their throat I look up to see floating in, the last guest, Marshall Lee. I glare at him trying to hide the growing temperature in my cheeks before saying
"Welcome, Marshall Lee please enjoy the party." I say half heartedly.
Marshall chuckles grabbing my cheeks,
"Aw? Is that a real way to treat a guest?" He says smirking.
I smack his hand away and stay back,
"Don't mess around with me please I'm tired of your teasing I just want to have a good night tonight I've put in 2 months of planning this and 5 hours decorating I don't want it to be ruined by your selfish actions ok? Thank you, if you'll excuse me."
Gumball swirled on the balls of his feet and headed towards the large crowd.
"Dudes so lame why doesn't he just chill out honestly, especially with me I could turn his word upside dow—"
Marshall tried to oppress his hidden desires as he sucked out the red jam out of a donut turning it into a sluggish grey colour. He smirked a little as he turned himself invisible. Using his power he floated upwards towards Gumballs bedroom which was clearly indicated in ink on the door: PRINCE BUBBA GUMBALL BEDROOM QUATERS.
'Bingo!' 'If I can't tease him at the party, I'll tease him when he's sleeping to see his cute reaction!'
Time passed and Gumball excused his guests as they started to leave he gave a hug goodbye to Fiona and Cake before looking around wondering where on earth Marshall went not like he cared he was just glad he was gone.
'Time to take a shower I'm spent that was an awfully long day phew I deserve it.' He thought to himself as he trudged up the stairs and opening and locking his door behind him, little did he know Marshalls invisible self was sitting on the bed watching his every move intently. He proceeded to take of his royal coat which he used to keep out of the rain while excusing the guests as there was light rain that coated the Candy Kingdom. He then removed his jacket and unbuttoned his light purple top throwing it behind him revealing his smaller built pink body. Marshall looked in desire wanting to cover his hands all over him nibbling sucking leaving hick- 'MARSHALL. control yourself dude who sounds like a loser now.' His inner conscience screaming. Despite all of this, he kept watching as Gumball struggled to open his button on his tight fitting light pink trousers.
"Curses." Gumball muttered under his breath. He managed to take them off revealing boxers that were hanging dangerously close to his crotch. Marshall gulped at the sight of this half naked prince. The Candy Prince hung up his clothes and faced the bathroom door taking off his boxers revealing himself more to Marshall his body was slender and sensual which made anyone want to pounce on him. Marshall started lusting for the candy prince. Marshall leaned back a bit on the bed to get a better view but as doing so, made a creaking sound. Gumball turned around looking innocently to check what what the noise, he frowned a bit before turning back around. He bent down removing the rest of his boxers and placing them in his pink and purple striped 'Dirty Landry' basket. He opened the door of the bathroom and went inside carelessly leaving it wide open. He stepped in the shower, and turned the hot water on. Marshall floated in smirking wanting to sneak up on him. His eyes widen at the sight he saw before him. Gumball was on his knees leaning against the bathroom wall, whilst caressing himself while his other hand was busy penetrating the lower half Marshall wanted so dearly. Gumball whispered soft moans doing so before adding a second finger in. Marshall watched in utter shock and delight as he bit his bottom lip with his upper fang. Gumball moaned slightly louder now as he arched his back, revealing the nice view of his two fingers inserted in before taking them out. Marshall snapped back into reality, as he realised what just started, was over as quick as it began. Gumball stood up splashing water at his body to clean the wall washing the remains down the drain. Several minutes later, he turned off the shower, hopped out and wrapped around a towel just above his crotch. Marshall followed him out the room smirking coming up with a devious plan. Gumball entered his walk-in-closet closing the doors behind him getting changed. He walked out wearing the top Marshall gave him and some flattering dark pink shorts. Marshalls eyes were engrossed with Gumball and was totally swoon over by him. There was no way he'd leave such as tasty meal go to waste right?
By the time Marshall looked up, Gumball was tucking himself into bed. He smirked, time to attack...
Marshall floated over to the princes side by the bedside table leaning in biting the almost falling asleep prince. Gumball let out a yelp almost like a whimper of some puppy. Marshall turned to his original form as a his usual visible vampire self with a childish smile spread across his pale grey face. The princes eyes widened by the sight of Marshall. He jolted up almost immediately but the firm grip of Marshalls hands on top of him forced him to come back down. Reluctantly, Gumball lowered his head grumbling before remarking, "Marshall what on earth do you want can't you see I'm trying to sleep if you have any business to attend it'll have to wait till the glob dahm morning but due to your circumstances you can't because you're a vampire. Now if you'll please excus-"
Gumball was cut off by Marshalls hand being placed over his soft lips.
"No need to use your royal voice your majesty. It does not work on me, I know you can speak casually," Marshall chuckled. "Bubba?" Marshall said smooth and seductively " I also know you're not totally innocent either, I saw you in the shower you dirty, dirty boy..."
Gumball eyes widen nothing but shock coursing through him.
Oh glob...what was Marshall planning? He's not going to...expose his secret to his kingdom?! No he wouldn't do that...would he...?

i got bored and made changes gonna do this for the other chapters i may continue this as i've got nothing better to do in quarantine please continue to support me lol

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