how it all stared

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Kat was walking out of her job after a long day of work and she was ready to go home site and watch tv. She walked in to her room and sat down and was about to turn on the tv but her phone rang. She picked it up and said "hello?" Then a loud voice on the other side said" HELLO kat" kats hole face broke in to a smile."hey ruby how have you been girl I miss you so much"." Yes we should hang out some time." They talked about there new jobs and how much life has changed. After like two hours of talking kat had to eat and ruby had to work so the made plans to meet up at a club on the weakend at 9:30.little did they know that kats life would changes forever after that. Kat went to work and all she could think about was the weakend and seeing ruby. Her boss wanted her to look over some paper and she did but not very well. On Friday she did all of her work fast and did it well so that her boss was wondering what the hell was happened to her. After work she went shoping for new clothing. She got a tangtop and short shorts for the club it was now 4:45 She watched tv untill 7:05 then she went to have some pizza and get ready for tonight. She then called ruby and asked her if she was ready and she was so ready. At 9:12 ruby was at her door and they went to the clube. The clube was fulled with teens just out for a good time it smelled of shots and swet. It had lights and a bar full with drunk teens. The got inside and sat down and had a dring and some food as they talked about there life and what was happening. Kat was haveing a good time that she want to the dance floor. The dance floor was fulled with lights and a DJ people were danceing and haveing fun. Kat went to the dance floor and danced as well ruby smirked as a guy eyed kay with lust. He walked over to her and whisper in her ear " come to my place baby I want to see what sexy body can do in bed". Kat was pissed she did have good moves but this guy wanted her to have sex. She turned around and hit the guy in the gut then walks to the bar pissed and had 2 shots then went back. Ruby was with a nice cute guy and they were talking laughing and haveing  lots of fun. Kat was happy that her friend had him to talk to. She need air because she felt drunk so she walked out side. Once out she wanted to go home but she and ruby came in the same car so she had to wait or get a ride. She went back inside and saw ruby and the guy makeing out at the bar. She sat down next to them and they all talked. The guys name was jef and he said the would drive them home because they were both drunk as shit but kat wanted to walk home so she did. She was half way home when she felt she was not alone so she looked around but no one was there. She keeped walking but she felt unsafe and scared has when it happen she could see some one following her. It was a man and he was drunk so she dis not like it. She started to run and she could hear him running after her. She ran faster and got home but kat did not want to go to bed just yet so she put a move on. Kat got up and got ready for work and went to work and at lunch she meat up with ruby and jef rubys new boyfriend that she meat at the club the other night. Ruby and jef were so happy and so easy going kat tolded them about the other night and ruby was pissed" YOU DID WHAT!!!!" She scremed " GIRL WHAT THE FUCK you just up and lefted the club to walk home in the city at NIGHT. I mean its like you were begging to be raped" Ruby and jef were not happy with kat and kat felt realy bad about it. " I'm sorry guys I just wanted to go home and  my house is like a mile from the club and you guys were haveing fun and I did not want to the one to stop that". Kat then got up and went to work but that did not help her she just could not fotget her friends rage. Kat was about to leave for home when she go a call. A number she did not know was calling her and she did not answer it. But the caller lefted her a voice mail.saying" come to the club on frieday and have some fun" thinking it was ruby useing jefs phone she called ruby." Hey ruby I will be at the club at 9:00 see you there". Then kat went home it was Thursday so she would be at the club tomorrow at 9 so she had some time. Kat was eating diner when her phone wemt off and rubys number poped up." Hey kat why did you say that you would see me at the club I never said I was going but I will." " ruby you sent me a voice mail from jefs phone saying that we should go the club and have some fun did you not?" Kat asked with worry." What are you talking about I never called you from his phone. Wait some one called you asking if you wanted to go to the club?".Kat rolled her eye and then said yes and ruby was screaming in to the phone" YOU HAVE A PERSON WHO LIKES YOU, YOU SHOULD GO me and jef will go with you just to be safe" then she was gone and kat went back to eating diner. Kat went to bed with worry because she did not know who she would meet at the club but ruby would be there if she need her. That made her feel a little better but she still was so scared. Friday came and kat was a ball of nevers and she could never face the man that asked her out. Ruby cam in the door with Jef and a smile on her face."oh Kat this is so good you got asked out on a date I'm so happy for you"Kat was just scared and wanted to get out but the some one came up behind her and whispered in her ear"come out side cute thing".  Kat turned aroud and saw a boy about 22 in front of the smirking."Hell no crep go fuck your self"and with that she walked to the dance floor and began to move her body and peopls stop and looked at her. Boys were smirking and the young man that asked her to go out side was red with rage because they were looking with lustful eyes at his girl HIS girl. After like 2 hours of danceing Kat was done and went to get a shot. The young man came over to her and hissed in her ear"I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU MOVE LIKE THAT AT A CLUB"she turned to him and smirked"scared a man will come and take me?" He grabed her and pinned her to the bar smirking evilly"oh no baby I just don't want the trying to take what is mine. I want you to move like that a my place with nothing on. I don't like people seeing what's MINE". She was scared but he was gone and she hoped she would never see him again 

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