And The Grammy Goes To ...

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So, I started my journey into Fanfiction with my first story, La Cantante. I had never been driven to write until I read Twilight and saw the movies (and the beauty of Robert Pattinson ~ dayum, he's one yummy guy.) Writing that first story got me through the end of my marriage and the beginning of my new life as a single woman. Now, it's almost four years since I completed that story. I'm so sorry for the delay, but I did promise you a sequel. Here it is! I would, um, suggest that you read La Cantante so you are familiar with all of the characters and the premise. I'm in the process of rereading it so I can write this. Anyhow, here's a full summary ...

They met at Emerson University, fell in love and began their journey. Four years after the release of their first single, Edward and Bella Cullen are still going strong and happy with their lives. Breaking Midnight, the band that had brought them together is on top of the music charts, winning numerous accolades and awards.

Nothing can stop them.

Or so it would seem ...

Ghosts from their past rear their ugly heads and will it be too much for this couple? Will their fairy tale happily ever after crumble? Only time will tell, but one thing is steadfast...

La Musica del Cuore (Music of the Heart)

Chapter One: And the Grammy Goes To ...


It had been a huge night. I was sitting next to my wife of four, almost five years, gripping her hand as we were waiting for Bruno Mars to announce the winner of Song of the Year at the 2016 Grammy Awards. We'd already taken home Best Alternative Album, Best Alternative Song and Song of the Year for our sophomore album, Midnight Sun. It was a perfect mesh of Bella's lyrical soprano voice and my soulful, rough guitar playing. However, the song that was up for Song of the Year was the love ballad I'd written and performed for my wife, "La Musica del Cuore." I'd snuck it into the recording, with the help of Kellan and our record producer, Jared Silvermann.

"And Song of the Year goes to," Bruno said, smiling widely at the camera as he opened the envelope, "La Musica del Cuore' by Breaking Midnight!"

The crowd roared as I stood up, taking Bella's face into my hands. "Il Mio Cantante, beautiful," I whispered against her lips.

"Hmmmm," she replied, nipping at my mouth. "You are in so much trouble, mister."

"I can imagine," I snickered, threading my fingers with hers and walking onto the stage with Bella, Jasper, Emmett and our manager and long-time friend, Kellan Moore. I took the Grammy Award from Bruno, giving him a hug before turning to the microphone. Once the crowd's cheers had died down, I gave the camera a crooked grin. "Tonight has been a dream come true. We never believed that what started as a just a hobby, a decent college band, could turn into something like this. We'd like to thank our families for supporting us throughout the past four years during this whirlwind of performing, writing and touring. Thank you to Kellan, who has been our long-time manager, discovering us in the club near Emerson University. Also, to our family at Twilight Records, Adele, Jared and the Cliffhangers, who guided us through the first year of craziness. Finally, thank you to all of the fans. We wouldn't be standing up here without you and your support. Thank you so much!"

I turned to my beautiful wife, wrapping my arms around her slender waist and kissed her like my life depended on it. She giggled against my mouth, her foot kicking up as I dipped her. Bruno led us off the stage and into the press conference. "Congratulations, guys," Bruno smiled, giving each of us a hug. "It was well-deserved. The album was amazing and the power behind your song, 'La Musica del Cuore' ... wow!"

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