Canada, Eh?

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So, I started my journey into Fanfiction with my first story, La Cantante. I had never been driven to write until I read Twilight and saw the movies (and the beauty of Robert Pattinson ~ dayum, he's one yummy guy.) Writing that first story got me through the end of my marriage and the beginning of my new life as a single woman. Now, it's almost four years since I completed that story. I'm so sorry for the delay, but I did promise you a sequel. Here it is!

Now, will I be this detailed for every city we go to? No. My goal, hopefully, is to get through a couple of cities per chapter. Up next will be Portland, Maine, New Brunswick and Montreal.

Chapter Seven: Canada, Eh?


Bella was working on her computer as we drove to Portland, Maine. Her brow was furrowed and she was focused on whatever she was attending to. When I tried to ask what she was doing, she'd smile sweetly and say nothing. It didn't look like nothing.

"Come on, cantante," I wheedled. "Tell me!"

"It's honestly nothing. I'm emailing my dad about the first few shows and I'm reading some more reviews," she smirked.

"You're so lying, Isabella Marie Swan Cullen," I grumbled.

"I'm not. Look, I'm almost done. Then, we can work on High Life," she bargained. "I know that you've worked on it some."

"Okay," I said, taking out my own laptop. When I opened it up, I saw that I had a few new emails. The first one was from Garrett Sisko, my mentor and close friend. He was telling me about his wife and their five-year-old girl, sharing some adorable pictures. He also told me about Mrs. Cope, the lady who worked in the front office and was in love with me, in grandmotherly sort of way. She had had a massive heart attack at school, passing away despite the best efforts of the paramedics and doctors. I frowned when I read that, looking up the information about her wake and funeral. I obviously couldn't go to the services, but I did send a huge floral arrangement from Bella and me. I also made a donation, in her name, for the American Heart Association, as requested by the family.

I was incredibly sad to read about Mrs. Cope's death. I always thought that she'd always be there, greeting everyone with a warm smile and a kind word. I blew out a breath, trying not to cry.

Shaking my head, I clicked on the other email I'd received. It was from my adoptive parents, Carlisle and Esme.

When my mother died of ovarian cancer, my father was in no shape to care for me. In fact, it was Esme who saved me from his drunken binges and anger. Within a week of her taking me from his house, he had relinquished his parental rights and we moved to New York state. I struggled for a long time with who I was. I missed my mother terribly and wanted her back. I felt guilty for even thinking of loving anyone in place of her. The only person who I trusted in my new life was my adoptive sister, Alice. My heart stayed empty until I met my wife. Yes, I grew to love Carlisle and Esme, eventually calling them 'Mom and Dad,' but they weren't my real parents.

With Bella, I finally felt the love I was missing since my mother passed away. She was my one, my true love, my soul mate, il mio cantante. The fact that she knew what that meant, solidified that Bella was destined to be with me. With her love and support, I managed to switch majors and become a musician, something that I'd dreamed of since I was a child. My fractured relationship with my father, my birth father, Edward Masen Senior, had slowly begun to heal. Now, Senior, as he preferred to be called, is more like another friend/lawyer. When Jenks, my usual attorney is unavailable to look at something, Senior will and give me the father/son discount – free! That also applied to any members of the band, Alice, Kellan and Nia.

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