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AeygoKing: This again?

Jaeno: I'm sorry! I need to know your true feelings. Do you like me?

AeygoKing: I think I like Amber noona...

Jaeno: from f(x)?

AeygoKing: yeah... whenever shes around I feel like I always need to impress her. I get butterflies like said and I really look up to her

Jaeno: Oh hunnybunny, thats not love. Thats admireation.

AeygoKing: then... can you make me fall in love with you.. or wait for my answer?

Jaeno: I've been trying to get you to love me since rookie days. I will wait however long you need. I will wait forever for your answer if you need.

AeygoKing: Thanks Jeno. You're the best.

Jaeno: anytime

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AeygoKing has left the chat


Another shott chappe sorry. But eyy jaeno vibes.

Jaemin!! Rest well! Rest so well you'll be ready for the next comeback and the one after that! It's okay if you can't be in this one! There's always next time right? Your health is more important than any comeback. Please take care of yourself ^.^

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