Q&A answers pt.3

728 32 43


sassy are we?

Haehoe: 'we'?

who's the most sassy in the dorm?

Haehoe: Well, obviously me

Handsoap: //cough Yuta
I mean what

Haehoe: It's obviously not the boy who can't speak fluent Korean

Japan: My Korean has been getting better!

Haehoe: Sure sure, whatever helps you sleep at night

Mahose: Why are you like this?

Haehoe: You love me anyways

Mahose: I wish I didn't

Haehoe: Touché

how much do you love MARK?

Haehoe: A little bit above a 3 :)

Mahose: A 4?

Haehoe: Stop I'm not exposing myself

is Mark nice to you?

Haehoe: sure

Mahose: 'sure'

Daddy: 'sure'

Nana: 'sure'

BabyChick: 'sure'

Ty-Trek: Mark what have you been doing to that kid?

Mahose: Massaging him
He's been very stressed lately. He needs to rest

Bunny: I think you need it more than him Mark

Woojae: 'sure'

Bunny: you're late jae

What do you call an alligator in a vest? AN INVESTAGATOR

Haehoe: AHAHAHHAHAHAHahahah....... ha

Mahose: (눈_눈);;;

Aye bro, how r u so hot in the Cheery Bomb cb?

Haehoe: I wanna kill you. Is that so wrong?

y r u shaking my heart + pls. stay in ur lane

Haehoe: Sorry bro, I can't. It's my job to wreak you

Winnie: That wasn't in any of our contracts

Kunnie: It's a self proposed job


What would happen to you if one day...Mark would have a sassy and savage attitude aswell ? What would you do ? And ily by the way <3 my long lost brother

Haehoe: He would join me and we will rule the world. Ily2 bro

BabyChick: Stfu Chenle and I going to rule the world

Moomin: Jisung stfu Chenle's mine

ChleSS: Chill out boys, Theres enough of chenle to go around


Please stop crawling to my bias list


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