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(Rosa in the photo)

Story background:
*Set two years after Zone collapse*
Blake and Imogen have been invited to the Mexican Gulf Coast to visit a school for variated kids.

Imogen's POV

"What's her name?"  I asked Blake over Freddie Mercury's crooning as we drove side by side down the dusty, baked Panté Mexico roads.

"Rosa."  Blake answered, his fingers drumming to the beat of Somebody To Love cracking through the stereo.  We took a rusted blue truck straight from the 60's to drive from Kansas to Mexico because one of the kids back in Colby shattered the windows of Blake's Subaru while practicing his variation.

"How old is she?" I inquired. Following my question Blake looked at me, his brows drawn.

"Did you even read the file?" Blake accused. I nodded, kicking my feet up on the dashboard.

"Of course, I've been prepared for this since December. Which, why did they invite us to Mexico in July? Almost like they want us to fry like eggs on a sidewalk." I probably would have kept rattling off meaningless sentences if Blake hadn't interrupted when I took a breath.

"You've been ready since December but you didn't even know the name of the girl who wanted us here in the first place?" Blake looked between me and the road, his sapphire eyes glinting.

"I've had a lot on my plate lately. Between keeping the government off our asses and my parents off my ass... gosh, my parents really have gone insane, you know? It's like they can't sit and watch a good thing happen, they always gotta be the ones pulling the lever or flicking the switch." I rubbed my hands over my face, my exhaustion from these last few months catching up with me.

Blake turned the stereo down and placed a hand on my leg, continuing to watch the road. "I know it's been rough but give it time and soon everything will be running as smoothly as we've hoped since the beginning." Blake assured me.

I looked out the window and watched the desert pass.

"Rosa's nineteen." Blake said, answering my earlier question.

Some time went by before a building finally entered our sights and Blake recognized it from a picture in the file that I never actually read but definitely should have.

He drove toward it and parked in the sandy lot across from the building.

It was an impressive structure, a true desert mansion sculpted from red clay with rusted crimson shingles along the roof that seemed to stretch over a countless amount of rooms. The front yard was a gated, fencing in a mile of brick driveway that included a magnificent fountain in the center. There wasn't a speck of green aside from a pair of towering palm trees that swept over the steps that led to the grand, mahogany doors.

Blake and I exchanged a glance.

"This would make for a great vacation if we weren't in the middle of no where." Blake grunted, shifting the car into park.

"Little too far away from the beach." I agreed, unbuckling my seatbelt and peering out at the massive house, searching for any visible signs of its occupants.

Blake and I got out of the car and we walked together to the iron gate where Blake pressed the ornate doorbell.

"Who is it?" A voice crackled through a small speaker beneath the button and Blake and I exchanged a look.

"Imogen Vast and Blake Heron." I said, checking my watch for the time. Seven p.m.

There was silence from the speaker until the gate clicked and Blake tugged on it, discovering that it had been unlocked. Together we ventured onto the brick driveway.

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