Request #5

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{ requested by @fratboynialler_ on twitter }


Its a friday and your at lunch with some friends.

"Hey (Y/N) my boyfriend is throwing a party tonight, you guys should come!" Your friend suggest.

"I don't really go to those kinda parties..." You say innocently. You know your friend's boyfriend had a history of getting drunk and you didn't really hang around those type of crowds.

"C'mon (Y/N), it'll be fun. You need to get out more anyways. Meet some cute guys." Your other friend chimes in, winking at you.

"Okay, fine. I'll go." You say giving in.

You had nothing to do tonight anyways..a little party won't kill anyone.


Its later that day and your staring at the clothes hanging in your closet, trying to decide what to wear. Like you said before, you're not much of a partier.

You finally decided to go with some black high-waisted skinny jeans and a crop top. You examined yourself in the mirror, touched up your make-up and got ready to head out the door.

Your friend texted you the address to her boyfriend's house and as you made your way into the neighborhood you spotted a house with a ton of cars parked on the street with a ton of teenagers. You could even hear the music as you got closer.

"Well this must be the place..." You said to yourself, looking up at the house.

You already had an uneasy feeling about this.

As you made your way through the front door, you spotted your friend through the crowd with her boyfriend.

The room was hot and packed with people, the smell of alcohol lingering in the air. The music was blasting so loud you could barely hear yourself think.

"Hey (Y/N)! Over here!" Your friend yelled as she pushed through the crowd towards you. When she finally reached you, she handed you a red solo cup.

You held onto it, avoiding taking a sip of whatever it contained but your friend eyeballed you as if waiting for you to take a drink, so you quickly kicked it back into your throat. You scowled at the taste burning your throat for the first time.

Eventually your friend ditched you for her boyfriend, to do who knows what..

It was starting to get awkward for you because you didn't know many people at the party.

You decided to just sit down on the couch for a little bit, burying your face in your phone to avoid feeling any more awkward.

Then suddenly out of the corner of your eye you noticed someone sitting down on the couch next to you. You turned your head to see a blonde haired, blue eyed boy sitting next to you. He was wearing all black and you noticed he had a lip ring as he played with it between his teeth. He was looking down at a cup in his hands, swirling around the liquid inside.

He looked up at you and your eyes met. You felt your face go red as he just caught you staring at him.

"I'm not much of a drinker..." He said chuckling as he broke the silence between you too.

"Me either...Can you tell partying isn't really my thing either?" You said gesturing to the couch and the phone in your hand.

He chuckled again, smiling at you.

"I'm (Y/N) by the way." You said introducing yourself.

"I'm Luke." He said putting his hand out to you.

You shook his hand and couldn't help but laugh to yourself.

"What?" He asked curiously looking into your eyes.

"I just thought it was funny that you were like being all formal at a party."

"Yeah, that did feel kinda weird." He said laughing at himself.

You admired how shy and awkward he seemed, he was like the innocent guy you've always dreamed of.

Little did you know that this day would be one that you would look back on forever.


Thanks for the request!!

Hope you liked it!

- Nicole (@babybluelukey)

You guys can send me requests on wattpad or twitter! :) thanks!

Luke Hemmings Imagines (vol. 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz