Chapter 2- Escape

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It's been two weeks since the incident with Lucifer. I can't get it out of my head, the possibility that I dont belong here. Last week I snook back into the cave, and made my way back to the files. I stepped up to the door, oppened it slowly, the gust of wind still pushed me back a bit. When I walked in I immediately walked over to my aisle. There it was, right where I left it but something was off. The files colour was green, my name was on it though. When I oppened it, it was all the same besides my last sin. It read that I killed a whole family while drunk driving. Yet I was still a Catholic Priest, Lucifer must have switched the files. Then in my peripheral vision I saw Nick, he just stood and looked at me. "I changed out your file... Sucks doesnt it, somebody really high up must have really hated you for purpossly putting you down here in hell." I replied. "Well damn who hated me so much that they would bring me down to this shit hole?" He was angry by my reply, his eyes illuminated a red colour. Then, out of no where he made the sign for the devils weapon arsenal. The hatchet of the Iron fox appeared in his hand. He followed that up with saying "You might want leave before I litteraly cut your head off and feed it to the dogs that guard hells gate." Obviously my response was to get the hell out of there before I litteraly died.
Lucifer, and his son both have a temper, but it was probably because I said that the place that his dad rules over is a Shit hole (Which it is). Its been a week since then, and I'm certain that I belong in heaven. Who hates me so much that they would put me for all eternity in hell. In order to get me out of here I need to get in touch with someone from heaven. I askes Victor multiple times if there is any way of getting in contact with heaven from down here, and multiple other questions. But his only reply to the questions was no. I'm not making any progress right now. I started thinking what would happen if I went to the highest level of hell, were heaven and hell meet. But it's extremely risky especially if Nick catches me. I cant get in a fight with the devils son I would be sent to the ashes. But then again that could be my only chance to go to heaven. It's all worth it if I can get there without any one knowing. Yesterday I made the plan to go inside the file room and see if theres an exit on the other side. I would have to be quiet, with Nick and Lucifers hearing and eyes they could be able to detect me from a mile away. Theres no day and night cycle in hell, its dark, the only thing that illuminates hell is the fire. After about three hours of guarding the gate, I oppened and sprinted to the end of the cave were the door is. I opened it, and there was no gust of wind, no sound, no anything. It seemed that the building had been abandoned for years. I sprinted, my foots hitting the floor echoed throughout the building. What had happened, why is everyrything gone? Every where I look its black, my eyes couldnt adjust to see through it. There was nothing, I was in an abyss. What's happening, my heart is pounding, beating out of my chest, my metal nails scratching at my skin. Im going insane, I'm starting to hear the screams. Then, I could hear the door closing behind me. I was in the middle of the room, and following the door shuting there were foot steps, and then mumbling. Then I heard Lucifer speak " This is what my darkness feals like, insanity, voices, screams, agony and pain echoing throughout your head. You dont want this to be your eternity, then dont try to escape hell, because hell has no escape you disgusting peice of nothingness, you dont even deserve to be in hell, you should be in the abyss filled with fire you disgusting creature. LEAVE AND GO GUARD THE GATE YOU DISGRACEFUL PEICE OF SHIT!!!" His voice was so loud, I ran back to the gate, tears running down my cheek, there has to be an escape from hell, I'll find it.

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