chapter 3

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Is it possible for a ghost to have a nightmare? Was it a night mare? Maybe just a flashback? It felt so real I could remember every detail about my kidnapping, his voice the room the pain god I remembered the pain all of it that was the worst part of it all the pain that I could never get away the pain seemed everlasting in a way. I guess I should explane what happened ro me and why the memories are what happened to me was not a normal kidnapping. It all really began when the guy that sold me the doll that looked like me wanted to look at my car, but really who wouldn't my car was sexy and yea I was proud to show it off so this guy Joe was his name look all around my car before he asked me to pop the hood cuz he wanted to see the moter so I did if only I knew then what I know now that when he was looking under the hood while I was putting my sister in her carseat he put something in my antifreeze which is what ends up making my car dye on the side of the road I had taken my sister hone and then was on my way to my friend Emilys aunts house she lived on a huge farm and that's where my horse stayed. He is a pitch black stallen named midnight. Was headed out there to just ride for awhile but on my was there my car started to over heat then it died right in the middle of no where and when it comes to cars and how to fix them I'm completly clueless and to make things worse I had no cell service at all so I couldn't call anyone I had been sitting there for almost 20 min when all of a sudden they guy from that gas station pulled up.

"Hey having car trouble missy" he asked with a wicked chuckle.

The way he said that scared thee holy living shit out of me.

"Yea but my dad is on his way" I lied

"Well let me take a look at it"

"No really I'm fine" I said nervously by now he had gotten ut of his truck and walked over to me.

"No insist on helping u cuz I know ur dad is not on his way there is absolutly no cell service out here at all"

"I dont want your help" I said backing away.

He grabbed my arm and spun me around so my back was pressed against him and he put his hand over my mouth.

"Your really hard to get a hold of yu know sweet pea the hardest yet so I'm pretty sure you will be the best"

I was kicking and tryinbg to get away from him his hand clamped over my mouth and nose was making ot really hard ro breath and I was already getting light headed my vision was getting fuzzy and I was growing weak darkness was creeping up on my and I knew I couldn't get away I remeber saying to my self god what's he going to do to me and with that blackness completly took over my body.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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