After a few hours, mum parked the car and we began our journey to the portkey.
We each carried a backpack.
As we started walking across a field, Louis tapped my shoulder.
I turn towards him and he pointed at the ground.
I gasped when I saw tons of blooming daisies at my feet.
I looked back up at Louis.
Then I started walking again, Louis not far behind.
Flowers popped up when I took a step.
The harder I concentrated on not growing flowers, the more came up.
I glanced at Fox and Lily, who seemed to be admiring the pink rose I'd grown.
I'd never told Lily about my secret.
I'd never known how.
I had told Louis last year, when id lost Soren and it started raining really hard.
I remembered crying really hard and then lightning struck the tree beside me when I screamed Soren's name.
I can see a group of people gathering at the top of a small hill.
Louis came up to me and whispered, "Are you gonna tell them?"
I nodded and ran the rest of the way up the hill.
Once I reached the top, I saw a flash of red hair.
"LILY!" I heard someone scream.
I looked around and found the source, Lily Potter, the girl I met in Diagon Alley.
I looked around to see the rest of the Potter family standing close to us.
Louis grabbed my arm and pulled me toward them.
He hugged Ginny and Harry, then high fived James.
"Hey! Rachel, right?" James said.
I shook my hand and replied, "No, River."
He smiled and pointed at my feet.
"Are you making those grow?" James asked.
Shocked, I looked down at my feet, which were covered in dandelions.
Louis shook his head, "Of course not that would be... odd."
James smiles and nods, then he walks over to Fox.
Someone starts counting down from 20 and everyone gets squeezed tightly together as we each try to touch the portkey.
19, 18, 17, 16, 15
I end up beside James and he winks at me.
What does that mean?
14, 13, 12, 11, 10
I thought, then I put my finger on the portkey, an old globe.
My heart is beating so fast, I can hear it.
I spotted Fox across from me and he whispered, "Calm down, Riv. It'll be ok."
I nodded and frantically searched for Louis.
When I found him, his brown eyes meeting my blue ones, he smiled.
He whispered, "Its alright."
Lily gave me a thumbs up.
I must have missed the rest of the countdown because suddenly the world started spinning.
My finger seemed glued to the globe.
I couldn't help but panic and think of all the possible ways things could go wrong.
Then my feet hit the ground and my breath was knocked out of my lungs.
Someone pulled me to my feet.
It was James.
"James, could you please leave Riv alone?" Someone, obviously Louis, asked.
James rolled his eyes, "I was only helping her up, Louis."
James walked over to his father to ask him something.
Lily and Fox found us and ran over.
"That was awesome!" Exclaimed Lily, smiling.
I shook my head, "It was awful."
Louis patted my shoulder.
I look around and saw we were surrounded by a huge mass of people.
Mum walked toward us, "Stay together everyone."
We all nodded.
Louis held my hand as we maneuvered through the large crowd to sign in.
Once we made it past, I saw two wizards.
One of them held a roll of parchment and a brightly colored quill.
The other kept looking at a watch around his wrist.
I smiled as one told us where our campsite was.
We continued to walk until we found a sign with the words: SCAMANDER.
Three tents sat behind the sign.
But, they weren't set up yet.
Lily smiled and began reading a set of papers attached to the sign.
"Why are you reading the instructions?" Fox asked, picking up a tool.
Lily shot him a funny look.
"So I can put up the tent," she answered back.
Mum and Mrs. Weasley went to find some help.
"Look," Louis whispered, pointing to a large patch of trees.
Something moved behind a small bush.
Louis grabs my arm and pulls me towards the trees.
I hear a odd noise coming from the bush.
We get closer and little purple flowers erupt in my path.
Louis move the leaves of the bush and something shimmers behind it.
I look at him nervously and pull back a branch.
I gasp at what is behind the bush.
A small golden unicorn is jumping about.
Louis looks back at me, his eyes shining.
The unicorn slowly walks towards us.
Beneath my feet grow small golden flowers.
I bend down and hold my hand out.
The unicorn rubs her muzzle against my palm.
It comes closer and makes a sound that reminds me of bells.
Louis taps my shoulder and points towards the sky.
A vibrant rainbow crosses the sky.
I look back at Louis and he smiles.
"What does that mean?" He ask about the rainbow.
I shrug, "I have no idea."
I think the rainbow is from my reaction to the unicorn.
I turn my attention back to the unicorn.
It's fur simmers in the sunlight and it's small horn glimmers.
Another noise comes from behind a wide tree.
I look up and see a shivery set of hooves appear from behind it.
A unicorn, one larger than the baby, comes out from the tree.
The air is swept from my lungs at her beauty.
Louis whispers that it's time to go back to the campsite.
I look up and still see the rainbow shining brightly.

- 30 minutes later -

Louis and I had decided to go back to the tent to eat dinner.
The six of us, including my mom and Louis', and were now sitting at the dining table.
Mom made pasta and poured us each a glass of cold butterbeer.
I feel almost jumpy with excitement for tomorrow.
We all finished eating and start getting ready for bed.
I can't wait till tomorrow!


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