Kayla.-Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

My fists rub my eyes absently and I sit up, my vision blurry from sleep. Harrys' figure sits slouched at the edge of the bed gazing at me over his orange juice class. He smiles as he finally comes into view.

"Juice?" He asks, his voice extremely raspy. He holds out the glass with a questioning smirk on his face. I roll my eyes and linger them at his body. His muscles are extremely visible through that tanktop, it's definitely distracting.

"I'm good, thanks." I laugh hoarsely. I qwirk my eyebrow, "Were you watching me sleep?"

His cheeks immediately tint pink and he chuckles down at his lap, "Yo-u- you look cute when you sleep." He stumbles over his wording. The way he stutters makes my heart just want to explode, its adorable.

I smile at him and push back the duvet, crawling out from underneath to meet him at the edge. I sit myself behind him and begin to knead his neck. His head falls forward as soon as I start and his light moan fills the room.

"You're so stiff, babe." I murmur, my fingers massaging down his neck to his back. I continue to tend his neck, pursing my lips into the skin that meets his curls. He releases a deep sigh at the contact. I repeatedly press kisses around that place while placing my arms around his torso.

I gently press his shoulders back until he lays his head in my lap. We don't need to say a word, just let our lips meet. I don't think it's possible to get sick of Harrys' kisses, ever. It's a passionate kiss to say the less, more than we have had since I had kinda went off on him. The others have been pretty tentative but we have let this go too far past the limit and once we reach that limit there isn't really a stopping point in sight.

Harry turns himself so he holds himself over me and I claw the tanktop off his back that once drew me into his muscles. He returns to the kiss with his hands denting the mattress on either of my sides. My senses return to me as the door swings open.

Harry rolls off of me, giving me the view of Kayla with a full smile plastered snarkily to her lips.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Did I interupt something? I was wondering if I could get you two any breakfast?" She asks with mock politeness. That little twit! Does she honestly think she can just sabotage my attempts to be alone with Harry?

Harry absolutely looks steaming mad, his face bright red and he's already on his feet.

"No, we're fine. Just privacy." He growls. He could send chills down your spine with just his tone.

"O-oh, of course, sure." She stutters, casting a lingering taunting glare at me before scattering out. He immediately refocuses on me, running a hand forcefully through his hair.

"Where were we?" He murmurs, walking close enough to tower over me, our noses brushing slightly. My heart flutters and I swallow. Since my common sense finally returned momentarily from its current state of how it is when Harry kisses me, I have enough restraint to deny him.

"H-arry." I mumble, pressing a hand flat against his chest to stop him from advancing.

"Sorry." He breathes, slowly backing away. Regret immediately pulses through me and I stand, trying to grab his arm. He looks like he thinks he's trying to force me to do something I don't want to. He must thinks that I'm some kind of fragile thing and he's like a giant.

"Har, please don't think that it's because of you. I will, just not right now, okay? Just because I'm not open everytime doesn't mean I'm not against you. I still love you." I whimper, pushing myself against his stuff chest. His skin is warm.

"I love you too." He murmurs, pushing my hair with his breath.

I drag my feet from step to step, almost drained from the sleep that had left me sprawled on the couch. It must be at least three in the morning, I fell asleep at like 10 though. I turn the knob to the bedroom, immediately taking a step back and regretting my decision to come up. Even in the dark lighting, I can see Harry standing locked lips with a bleach blonde that I immediately recognize as Kayla. Her fingers are imbedded in his collar and she has him against the wall. The thing that hits me worse is that he doesn't seem to be resisting, kissing back even.

I feel like I just got suckerpunched in the stomach. I fall back against the wall and try absently to find anything to steady myself along the wall without success.

"What the hell?" I shout, managing to force my voice out as more of a pathetic croak. Harry could push her off easily if he wanted to, he's way stronger than she is. Harrys' eyes immediately tear open and he pushes her off, causing her to go tumbling into the bed. She looks up with a dastardly grin at me, one that looks dazed.

"T-Taylor? I can explain!" I barely take in the scene before just walking away. Theres been too many chances. As much as I want to think Kayla kissed Harry and she held him there, there's always going to be a reason why he could have pushed her away. He could have done so many different things to get away, yet.. he stayed put. I'm already in the garage when I hear a frustrated scream from upstairs but I don't think much of it, just hurtle inside the nearest car and start the ignition.

I pull out and start to drive away just before Harry runs out yelling. Yelling things inaudible to me. Nothing can convince me now. I'll just go back to Cheshire and.. I'll just do something, find someone. I just want to go home. Away from the one that is my home. Or was.

Pretty short but oooh cliffhanger. Alright, sorry for not updating in a few days. I had my bday on Saturday and I just got my braces off today😁 Okay thanks for reading:)

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