[5] Make Us Fuck?

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February 12th

4:28 AM

Stiles: Derek. Hey I had a question.

Derek: it's 4 am Stiles

Stiles: I can tell time, what's your point?

Derek: Nevermind, what do you want to know?

Stiles: okay okay hear me out. If our life was a fandom, would there be porn of us or some of our friends?

Derek: god dammit stiles, you're delusional.

Stiles: BUT SERIOUSLY! Would people ship some of us and make us fuck?

Derek: There is something seriously wrong with you Stiles.

Stiles: Thank you I know ;) now answer my question see

Derek: I don't fucking know Stiles. How would I know that?

Stiles: Well I think that they would.

Derek: okay two things, why are you thinking of this, and who would it be of?

Stiles: not sure, definitely think Scott and Isaac, I swear to god there was something sparking before Isaac left to London.

Derek: You're disturbing.

Stiles: Hey Derek?

Derek: What

Stiles: Would there be porn of us?

Derek: I'm leaving now. Get some sleep

Stiles: Aw come on Derek! Yakno ya love me!

Derek: I would sell you to Satan for one tortilla chip.

Stiles: Sorry im not accepting any offers right now

Derek: dammit Stiles, go to sleep.

Stiles: Fine fine love ya der bear.

Derek: shut up and sleep.

Stiles: ;)))


February 13th



Derek: It's noon.

Stiles: that's my morning

Derek: you depress me at time.

Stiles: That's sweet. So Derek I have question!

Derek: Slightly worried but what is it?

Stiles:  Will you....

Stiles: be

Stiles: my

Stiles: mechanic cus Roscoe broke down and I can't pay for it?

Derek: You're a fucking idiot I hope you know that. But yes I'll help you fix your car.

Stiles: excuuuuuuusse you? cAR? This is Roscoe! My pride and joy! You better take care of him!

Derek: I will stiles I promise

Stiles: good I gotta go seeya sourwolf!

Derek: Bye Stilinski


6:54 PM

AllyCat: is everything set up?

Lydia: yes it is, don't worry Allison, everything will go to plan tomorrow.

AllyCat: Let's hope so.

Oh damn what they planning huh?

God I'm stupid.

I made a deal with JenaeHughes
Sorry it's late wifi is shit wouldn't let me post but HERE YA GO!

Well there ya guys go I hope you enjoyed spending time with me I enjoyed spending time with you and I'll see you little tortilla chips on Valentine's day.


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