[8] woAH WHAT

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Derek woke up stretching and looking over at him, the pale boy who was in an accident yesterday, he noticed the color was returning to his face. a small smile forming on the man's face, but it held sadness inside. the deep sorrow in his eyes, heavier than they have ever been. sitting up straight and placing his hand on stiles' he stared into the teen boys face. he is going to pull out of this, derek thought, no doubt in his mind that he wouldn't. he went to grab his phone to check the time but then he saw stiles phone on the nightstand. His father or Lydia must have found it and brought while Derek was asleep. Derek reached over, grabbing it and inspecting it, seeing cracks all over the screen.he turned it on.

7:34 AM

it still worked, surprisingly. staring at stiles phone, he went to set it back down. accidentally hitting the home button, unlocking his phone. what he saw shocked derek, and it brought a new smile to his face. a happy one. stiles messages were open, but he had been texting himself, like a diary of sorts. he started scrolling through not even realizing he was reading it.


Stiles: this is so damn stupid.

Stiles: yeah miss penny

Stiles: this IS stupid :D

Stiles: whatever so just for future reference, my very professional therapist said to text myself

Stiles: fuck you jenny

Stiles: or is your name penny? juan? i don't know i dont care

Stiles: just fuck you

Stiles: i'm only doing this cus my dad is paying for this

Stiles: ima fake happiness to get outta this

Stiles: cus yakno something jenpenjaun? your a bitch.

Stiles: so fuck you

Stiles: fuck you very much

Stiles: choke on a dildo

Stiles: anyway

Stiles: why the hell not vent

Stiles: jenpenjaun if you read this

Stiles: i never knew your name because i dont waste my time on useless shit

Stiles: OooOOooooooOOOOOOoooO

Stiles: im so tired

Stiles: i hide everything

Stiles: well not everything, i express most my feelings very well.

Stiles: through sarcasm of course

Stiles: i guess i should talk huh?

Stiles: my name is stiles stilinski

Stiles: and well im 16 years 0ld

Stiles: im from beacon hills california which is filled to the brim with the supernatural

Stiles: yeah fuck you jenpenjuan im talking bout it

[Teen Wolf] Text Me?Where stories live. Discover now