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Alright so today at lunch my two friends asked me to dedicate this chapter to them so...... Here you go I guess.

I know that this is different from the stuff I usually talk about but my mom made me think about this stuff.

Alright today I was talking to my mom about boyfriends(it was actually a lot less awkward than you think)

Anyway so we were talking about that and age differences between these datees (people who are dating-that's the name I came up with)

And it's like COME ON people stop judging!!!!

People should stop going into other peoples business and go get a life!!!

If your really worrying so much about 2 or so years between people. Than you have bigger issues than me. And that's saying something.

Same goes for gays and bisexuals. It's their fucking life!! STAY OUT!!!!

Seriously I know a girl who is bisexual. She was afraid to tell me, cause all the freaking haters out there.

I've known this girl for a long time. This didn't change anything between us. I still changed in front of her in gym.

She is a cool fun person. Still the same as before I knew so it doesn't matter she can be with whoever she wants to be with.

It's her life!!!!

I hate it when people joke around and call a dude gay because he hangs out with girls, or his voice is a little higher, or he likes pink.


That dude I've known since kindergarten. He has had many girlfriends. And just because he's sweet and he likes to do different things doesn't mean you should put the gay label on him. It's just cruel and stupid.

And if your reading this and you KNOW you've called someone gay before or judged someone because they were gay. Think really hard what it must be like to that person. And have to feel like the whole world is against their decisions about THIER LIFE!!!!

Ya really sucks doesn't it?

Anyway not trying to depress you or anything but seriously guys don't judge people like that.

It's not cool.


So now that I've done that I'm gonna tell you a funny story about my best friend.

And if your thinking 'another story about her best friend:('

Trust me you'll like this one.

Or if not, I love this story so I'm gonna tell it anyway.

So I'm sitting in my bed playing games on my phone, and I hear her moving around so I ask her "What are you doing" and she tells me "I'm getting comfortable"

So she moves around some more and then I hear her laughing

And I'm like "What's so funny" and then I hear her say that she split her pants.

Ya that's right!!!!!!!! SPLIT her pants!!!! Made a huge rip right on the inside of her thighs

I ask her how she ripped her pants

After I finished laughing of course

She said she was stretching in the sleeping bag and they ripped

I have one question

Who stretches in a freaking sleeping bag?!?!?!

I don't even know what she was thinking when she was 'streching'

It's like 'Hmm I'm bored. Oh I know I'll stretch in this tiny, zipped closed, sleeping bag!!!!!!! It's perfect!!!!!!'

Anyway thanks and this stuff really happens btw. Hope you enjoyed. Welcome raven and madi!!! Luv u both!!!! <3


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