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My friends today at school were asking me what the heck I was so angry about because I'm not the type of person that cusses a lot

It's more fun to make up your own bad words;)

But ya I'm sorry but after I posted that I immediately felt better and terrible at the same time

Better because I got that out of my system

But bad because of all the cussing and stuff I wrote:'(


Anyway so to try to make it up to you guys I'm gonna tell you a funny story

The one I was gonna tell yesterday but whatever

So I went to this water amusement park with my friends Sophie and Olivia

Anyway so Olivia had to go to the bathroom so me and Sophie are standing outside waiting a long time

Because there was a huge line>:(

Ugh I'm like the most impatient person I know

Anyway so we're waiting there a long time and there's a fudge shop right next to the bathrooms(btw I LOVE fudge)

So we decide to go in there and get some fudge since she was taking so long

When we get out we decide to go in and look for her

So we walk in and we don't see her and we're calling her name and there's no response(unless you count this one lady that was staring at me weird for eating fudge in a bathroom- it's like lady DONT YOU DARE JUDGE ME!!!! I can see half your butt and trust me it's not a pretty sight)

Anyway so we walk out and try to find her and then we realize we lost her

So we are walking around and looking for her and calling her name and the whole time I'm praying we don't run into her mom

(Btw I've known Olivia since we were in pull-ups so her mom can read me like a book)

So we walk around and luckily we don't run into her mom and we walk back towards the bathrooms and we see her


I asked her where she went and she said she walked around cause she couldn't find us and then walked here cause she figured we would come back for fudge


So ya that's a story about how I lost my friend at a water park and how a lady judged me in a bathroom:/

Anyway so thanks for reading!! Sorry about last update:/ till next update!!! Bye!!


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