Ch. 1

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Chapter 1

"Mom where are my sketch books and stuff!?" hollered a young teenage girl as she tossed her blue colored bangs to the side.

"Look Michelle! They are your things, you should know in which box you put them in." replied the chestnut haired woman, "Anyways right now is not the time to be doodling nonsense! You have to put away all your things and help out with all the other things."

With a heavy sigh of frustration the girl obliged and did as her mother ordered. She never liked the idea of moving but then again it might just give her a chance to forget about her reputation back in Timberline. Since that dreadful and horrible day in the last 8th grade dance she had been living in a burning hell. But as soon as she saw this house she felt almost at home. The old painted glass windows and the high doors and ceiling made her fall in love with this house.

"Get that hair of your's out of your face as well! You look like some pathetic emo child." She ordered again.

With another loud heavy sigh she did as she was told. She went back up the stairs and into her room. She looked through a few golden brown boxes, searching for the small black bag that she kept for all of her head bands and all.

A loud cracking and breaking sound came from her bathroom as she quickly ran into the black room to look for the source of the sound. There in the middle of the vanilla tiled floor rested her mirror in pieces and just across from the shards stood her younger sister. She looked up at her with alarmed green hues. In her hands was the priceless black rose hairpin that she had always been after since she saw Michelle wearing it at their cousin's wedding.

"What are you doing with my hairpin!?" she spoke through gritted teeth, trying her hardest to keep calm and not let her short temper get the best of her.

Her parents bursted into the room alarmed and shock as they saw the broken mirror pieces laying all over the floor. Immediately they glared at their oldest daughter. Silently and already accusing her of the mischief her little sister did.

"What?! I didn't-"

"Oh save it Michelle. We're not in the mood to hear your excuses." Her mother interrupted her as she walked over to the youngest of the Wilson girls, "Are you ok sweety? Did Michi hurt you or something?"

Little Linna looked at her mom with saddened eyes, "S-she got mad at me and threw the mirror at me just because I wanted to see her hairpin." She whispered lowly almost ready to bring forth the water works. Her mom carried her up into her arms as she took the hairpin and threw it at the counter next to Michelle.

"Hope you're happy now." And with that she left, carried the small 7 year old.

Her father sighed as he ran a hand through his thick black hair, "What happened exactly Michelle?" he asked her as soon as her mom was out of the room.

Michelle snorted, "Ask the little brat. She came in and grabbed my hair pin to steal it and she must have dropped the damn mirror in the process." She responded as she got the hairpin from the counter and put it somewhere hidden.

"Please don't call your little sister like that Michi." Sighed her father once again as he began picking up the large pieces of glass, "Look tomorrow you and Linna have to get along because your mother has been under a lot of pressure to finish revised and typing up those 4 extra columns, so please no more fighting."

Michelle snorted again in her mind as she already knew the truth behind it. No matter how hard she tried she always got in fights and arguments with Linna. Sadly her mother always supported Linna because she's the "perfect child".

"I'll go find the broom and pick it up." She finally spoke up after a moment of silence.

Her dad smiled at her and kissed her forehead, "Thanks kiddo."

She rubbed her forehead and mumbled to herself, "Yeah whatever."


The entire family sat at the table as they all began eating their delicious spaghetti. After a calming meeting with her MP3 playlist and some alone time in her room, Michelle had forgotten the whole incident in the afternoon. She back to feeling good about some of the things. She had gotten a huge chance to start customizing and decorating her room just how she liked it. Her desk was all set up and organized with her purple, green, and black laptop sitting upon it. The pictures of her oldest and best friend from when she was a kid decorated the bulletin board above it along with some of her most prized and best works of arts and few other good photographs she had taken when she had been bored.

"So are you both excited about tomorrow? Starting a new school year and all." Her mom paused and glanced straight at Michelle, "And hopefully a nice clean record as well."

"School records never start over mom, they stay the way they are with the additional information that is added on from the year." She answered.

"I'm just saying that-"

"Please let's not start with this again Marry. Anyways Michelle gave us her word that she will try her hardest to behave in this new school. So let's talk about some other happy and cheerful topic." He smiled triumphantly as he quickly dissolved the growing tension at the table.

Michelle smiled weakly, but enough to convince her dad and mom. For the rest of the dinner time she ate her spaghetti in peace and silence. Her parents talked about how good it would finally be to work so close to home. Her little sister said nothing much but an occasional question or two, or just some lame comment. Once they finished her mom went back to work on the news columns and her little sister went to go play with her dolls. Meanwhile her father left to go finish fixing the car and she herself decided to go do some exploring. She grabbed her cell phone and MP3 and left out through the back white door. Once outside she turned on the flashlight on her phone to shine and light her way.

The small garden her mom had just begun planting last week was going perfect. The wooden fence her father had replaced looked amazing with the light red wood color standing out. The large peach tree that leaned against the fence looked as beautiful as ever. She kept following the stone trail that lead into what would have been the shack but was reconstructed into a greenhouse then she heard it.

A soft weeping sound of a child echoed off in the distance and into the woods. She felt a sudden drop in the temperature and goose bumps rising all over her arms and body. Something in the back of her mind told her not to peek into the woods or wonder off into them but her adventurous part was itching to go and find out who was making that sobbing sound.

Just as she was about to set foot into the woods she heard a male voice call out to her. She quickly turned around in all directions, trying to find the person to whom the voice belong to but found nothing. Without a second thought she ran into the house.

Silently she closed the door and looked out through the door window, looking to see if she found any shadow or someone. Nothing. She let out a long sigh as she turned on her heels and headed back into the living room to check what's on TV.

"Everything alright Michelle, I heard you come in so soon and thought something was wrong." Her mother spoke from behind her silver laptop.

"Um it was nothing. Just some little animal that spooked me out, that's all." She responded.

"Well go and get ready for bed, school starts tomorrow remember and I have to drop you girls off soon so I can go grocery shopping."

"Fine then mother, g'night." She slowly made her way up the stairs and into her room.

She couldn't wait to see her knew school. At least her new high school won't have a uniform policy like they did back in her old school. She imagined she'd go find where the library was in the morning so she had somewhere to go to during lunch.

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